I spent the morning in tears...


New Member
I am so sad and happy I am here. I can relate to all that is being said. I thought the lies were something unique to my daughter. I can not talk to anyone in her treatment team because of confidentiality. I know she is non compliant with everything, however to make up lies about me to get sympathy. To attempt to ruin my career. To falsely accuse so many people of raping her. It feels endless at times the amount of damage someone can do. I realize, I am the only one that can allow her to run my life. I choose not say no. I am making the decisions despite the threats. However, they present.

Oh my gosh! I could have wrote your post word for word. My life is yours. Exactly the same. I had a lady show up at 2am with my daughter demanding we take her into house as it was OUR responsibility. Another time, a father showed up at my husband's work carrying on about our lack of parenting...or even my husband responding to a call involving Difficult Child and walking into the family explaining how her family threw her out....I've had parents outright tell me how horrible I am. For some time, I just think, "if you feel you can do better, please feel free!". But it does hurt, a lot.

My daughter does the same thing...say one thing to me, then go right onto FB and twist everything painting me as a horrid mother. Then if I message her, she puts that up too...never ending.

I don't believe it will change without them truly recognizing and working on it. I grieve the relationship I've never truly had...

I just really can say, you and I are exactly in the same situation. At least you know you're not alone...
You are absolutely among friends here. A wonderful support system full of extraordinary people who not only care but totally understand too!! For years I sought a group for parents locally...I was so thrilled to stumble across this site. I have the app on my phone and always turn here when I need a little reminding...


Active Member
Seeking Peace,

I absolutely agree we are among friends a wonderful support system with extraordinary people who truly care and truly understand. A true God send!

Fantastic for little reminders and encouragement!

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