Yes, it does really suck. (hey, when did we start being able to write that word again??)
He's busy blaming you and his dad because otherwise he's got to put the blame where it belongs, on himself.
Divorce is not an uncommon event, nor has it been for more than 20 yrs. While it's not the greatest thing in the world to go through, either as a child or an adult, it's also no where as traumatic as it was back in the days when it wasn't socially acceptable. And even then......well, I never quite bought into the whole I'm so very very traumatized thing with the kids, myself. I was one of those who lived through it repeatedly before it was really "common". I was made fun of at school, had teachers ect make snarky comments......and of course the "looks". But really? I can't say it traumatized me a bit, or even really did much to me at all, except to be certain the person I chose to be with was truly someone I wanted to be with for the long haul. As the 70's progressed and more and more parents divorced, I watched as my friends and even kids who had made fun of me go through it.......and about the only real thing I noticed was kids learn fast to play the parents against each other. And then the crud would hit the fan as the kid pressed their luck at every turn while blaming it all on the "divorce". ugh (while laughing with friends about how they're playing their parents)
Katie does the same routine. Her biomom would tell her that her dad didn't care yadda yadda boo hoo. Seriously? We got her every chance we could although she was 3 states away, treated her like she belonged here, loved her the same as her sibs, and all the rest, but she was dumb enough to by into her mom's crud? Honey, that's your problem not mine. She gains no sympathy nor even empathy from me on that one. I had a biodad who honestly really couldn't give a crud, whom I can count the times I saw as a kid on one hand, ect. And I could've cared less about the man. But even when my Mom ran him down to us? I knew there are always two sides to the story.
Don't let him play the divorce guilt card. Or use it as an excuse for his behavior.
But you're doing great on the not enabling him part. And I know that's hard because sometimes it's hard to judge what is enabling and what is just plain helping.