Hi, Copa. Thank you very much for birthday wishes.
This is how we ended up in Nowhere, WI as I call it.
I had never liked Illinois or, more particularly, the Chicago suburbs. I felt they were too busy and, worse, the cost of living was extremely high for a modest income. On top of that, we have moved to the same suburb as Sis during a time when we were getting along (can we say no insight?) and now she had called the cops on us numerous times, which was stressful. We had just completed two adoptions and the foster care to adoption one had been very stressful. The foster care and child welfare system is a mess. Jumper's adoption went smooth, hers was private, but it took us FOUR YEARS to get the courts to terminate Sonic's birthmother's parental rights.
The social services rightly wants to give biological parents a chance to get well and be good parents. However, this birthmother, while probably a very good person underneath her addiction (Sonic is too good a person for us to believe she is a bad person), had left the hospital AMA after giving birth. She also had four other kids she gave to her mother, who said she could not handle another child and birthmother never came to court once in four years of hearings. Still, it took that long to terminate her rights so we could adopt him. We had five different social workers, all young kids, and it was stressful. Very.
We never liked New Suburb. I should have known that what Sis loved, I would hate. We are just so different. I enjoyed down-home, earthy people with older, unique homes and very friendly people...the friendlier the better. Where we moved, which was to a pretty good neighborhood of Suburb, it was just not us. The neighbors looked at your yard and one commented on tall grass. I had just had surgery and couldn't mow and Goneboy, who usually volunteered to do it, hadn't gotten around to it yet. Neighbor said, "It isn't nice looking at t he tall grass."
I told her I'd just had surgery and without blinking shse said, "I don't care. Do something about the grass!"
When I would wave to neighbors who were outside, they looked through me. I wasn't used to that kind of indifference to neighbors as Old Suburb had been less wealthy but far more friendly and down-home. The school kids were snobby and picked on Princess so badly that she was allowed to switch to another school nearby, which was better for her, but not that great.
One weekend hubby and I went up to The Middle of Nowhere (Literally), Wisconsin to visit his sister who had just had a house built on land they had purchased. WE fell in love with the quiet, the peace, the friendly neighbors...we decided to move. We did not want to live THAT far away from civilization (took her forty five minutes just to get to a grocery store), but we looked in areas closer to their idea of a Big City (18,000 people). So we moved. And right away the stress dropped. Sis wasn't there. She still tried to call the cops, but they were MY cops, who knew me personally and did not pay much attention to her other than to ask if she had issues and, knowing hubby and I, they obviously thought the problem was Sis. We also got away from every bad memory of FOO that I ever had, which was refreshing. The laid back atmosphere was wonderful, the people uber friendly, and the area much less expensive to live in.
We are still here. If we move, and we might, it would be to another part of Wisconsin. We've seen some cities we really like. The cost of living is higher, but the smaller towns, slightly away from the cities, are not as expensive. So we'll see. Hub is only 58 and will be at his job for a while and we aren't moving while he still works in (cough) Big City.
Unlike you, Copa, big cities stress me out, even the suburbs of big cities. I don't even like to visit them.I'm anti-excitement and very much a homebody
And that is the story.