Copa and Cedar, yes, I think our early lives bond us together, However, I read an interesting article recently which I didn't think to copy and paste and maybe I should have, I wll try to condense what it said,
When parents are abusive, the children who are their targets usually become one of two types of abused children,
Abused Child One becomes very frightened, timid and compliant (at least at first) both because he or she does not want to be abused and because he or she thinks that if she is just good enough she will be loved, School is often a big relief because many abused kids use school as a place to excel and to be accepted, although often they are ostracized there, Even so, often they have a special teacher they bond with, They never tell what it's like to be with Mom or Dad or both or whatever is going on at home out of shame and often fear of the parent,
Seems as if you and Cedar became Child One,
Child Two is the child who wants to be loved just as much as the compliant child, but has a different temperment and asks questions or tries to figure things out and every word spoken against the family dynamics, even if the child is six and asks why XXX's mother hugs her and you don't ever get hugged, is seen as a challenge and a swipe at the low self-esteem mother, My mother would say, "You don't like me to hug you, You push me away,"
It was my fault, And it was probably true, I believe I stiffened in her arms as an infant and kicked her away at maybe two or three, Little ones can tell when a hug is real or fake and who cares for them, I let my grandmother hug me, But if a parent is a normal loving parent, like most are, the parent feels bad, not angry, and tries to fix things so that the child wants to be hugged and loved by her,
We had this problem with Sonic, who has autism, Although he never really refused hugs, he was stiff at first, which is common in autism, But we didn't give up trying to physically love him and it become normal for him and for us, It was not fun when he kicked me a few times, but it was gratifying once he melted into my arms,
I tried because I loved him so much, There was no way I was going to leave it like that, autism or not, If necessary, I'd have asked his supports to help us with affection,
My mother did nothing and I asked questions and challenged her rules too as I got older, I would talk back because she talked to me in such a nasty way, She called me selfish, I'd hurt badly, then I'd nurse it and it would come out later and I'd say something to her and refuse to do something she asked, which often turned into a tantrum, which meant I was baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad, It wasn't her at all, I was just an impossible kid, selfish and baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad,
We fought a lot in my teenage years and I'd often go to my grandmother's apartment to get away from her, My mother did not drive so when I got my license, I was allowed to use the car (and, loking back, I'm surprised), All I can think of is they liked it better if I wasn't home, And, trust me, I liked it better when I wasn't home either, I did not like to hearing the yelling and fighting and being with them,
So my mother, who had no self-esteem, treated me like dirt under her feet yet expected me to respect her, And I talked back, I was basically a very good teen with a lot of problems, I had terrible learning disablities and neurological differences which made school awful, My parents did not even try to help me with school, I had depression on and off and it was BAD depression and my mother, for the most part, did nothing, I doubt my father even knew as he and my mom didn't talk about anything important, although I did not feel important, Even though I felt less important than cow dung, I never did drugs or drank or had sex until I got married and I lost a lot of really cute boyfriends because I demanded respect for my body, I thought that I was being good, even while I was being told I was bad, by trying to be straight and not do drugs or be a tramp or do what most of my peers were doing, Two of my closest friends got pregnant and were afraid to tell me "because you're such a prude," I was fine being a prude and I helped both girls, by the way, but that's another story, I digress,,,
When I escaped through marriage to a man who was all wrong for me, but able to rescue me from the awfulness, he said the "stupid" word to me all the time, He never ever called me selfish, He called me a humanitarian,,,lol, So he recognized some good in me, but the stupid was worse with him even than with my mom, I tried to turn to my mom for emotional support, but she wasn't there for me and she was not there for my sister, who was in college a nd struggling badly and calling me up to help her when I could barely hold myself together,
Of course, there was the incident when I tried to get my mother to care about my sister, I'm sure she never brought up to my siser, fifteen years later, that this was said during the time that she (Mother) was refusing to pay for my sister's medical care although the doctor was afraid shse had encephalitis (I believe), I'm sure she didn't say that I was furious at her for ignoring my sister, who was young and alone, and that I was telling her what her disregard of this child had caused her to do, My sister was in WAY more trouble than I'd ever dreamed of, but she WAS alone, Her eating d isorder amped up big time in college, I was spitting furious at my mother for ignoring her for her boyfriend,. So, yes, I told her off and, in thej bargain of being so angry at her for my sister's sake, got blamed for it fifteen years later by my sister, but she never knew my mindset when I called her, It may still not have made a difference, I did tell my mother the secrets that my sister told me, even if I did not tell her for the purpose of making my mother think she was baaaaaaaaaaaaaad, I just wanted my mother to realize my sister needed her,
Mother marked her time and told her fifteen years later, when me and Sis were getting very close, with no preamble of why I told her, It was not a cozy little conversation, I did not have those types of conversations with my mother, I did not like who she was, I loved her, but I didn't l ike her and from Day One I felt s he was not on my side a nd that the only one who could take care of me was me so I did defend myself,
This made me extra baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad and also abusive, I guess,
At this same time, I was observing ex's sweet angel of a mother and was unable not to compare, I'd think, "Why can't my mother be a REAL loving mother, like her?" I adored her, She was my idol for many years,
My mother did not try to have a relationship with her after the $5000, She never understood why I wouldn't do it and that had to do with her relationship with HER mother, See, my grandmother was also controlling a nd very partial to my mother's brother, He was her favorite, like my brother was my mother's favorite, What did my mother do when she was verbally abused, in the passive way my grandmother could do it?
My mother was Child One, She had to obey her mother, even though she DID talk back to her,,,OFTEN, But she was compliant and obedient, To her it was unforgiveable that I did not respect my grandmother's wishes about only giving money to one of my children because nobody EVER disobeyed HER mother, Certainly not her, She was dead, but apparently that didn't matter to my mother, That was the end of us, It was very bizarre, This is the reason she could never forgive me, although I'm sure sh e had other grudges on her list and she was not a forgiving woman, at least not with regards to me,
So the reasons we had different adult relationships, I am thinking, and the reason why it was easier for me to let go of her and to not want her back and to not want another chance etc is that I was a cold logical realist and still am and I saw her, I did think her behavior toward me was my fault until I was in my 30's, but I still saw her flaws and called her in on them, I did not call her in on them every day or often, by the way, It came up once in a blue moon, But I never did feel she was perfect, Did I want her to love me? With all my heart, but being nice didn't work so I was hurt and fought back (I do not mean physically), Did I love her? Warts and all, I loved her like every child loves her mother and was very hurt that she didn't seem to love me, and I did not try to tell myself that she did love me,,,I didn't believe she loved me, And I was moody and defiant sometimes (not always) because she hurt me so badly,
By the time I hit my 40s I'd met the guy who told me that he refuses to let anybody in his life, family or not, if they aren't nice to him and I had years to nurture that concept and after marrying my husband I got to feel true, pure, unconditional love, It never even crossed my mind that his man would leave me or ever stop loving me and it hasn't happened and, although I think he loved me more than I loved him at first, it is definitely equal now, I had love and a loving family and also, although Goneboy left and it did sadden me deeply, I do have four loving children who call me almost every day, It makes a difference than if one is struggling with ALL of their children or their only child, That might have made me mourn more for my mother, I do feel loved, When I started blogging here, as I calll this, it was really about my sister who I also loved too much to explain and was hurt beyond my being able to keep it all inside of me, My sister broke my heart so I came here to think about m y family and I started writing to maybe put it in print and understand,
And it worked,
I could see that it is as useless to love a sister who can't love me back and would even hurt me than to just let her go, And if it's true what she wrote a nd my brother agrees, then the same with him,
Often when my sister cut me off, it would bring emotional flashbacks of my mother's slap from the grave and make me mourn them both and that happened here,
Now that my sister has packed and left the space in my head, my mother seems to have gone with her,
And, all in all, I think this is why it is easier for me, Although, trust me, I will have plenty of emotional flashbacks to chronicle here, I am positive the dreaded day my father, who I love very much, passes away, I will need your strength, I will see them, even though I won't talk to them, It will be a trigger,
I don't think we ever forget completely, The hurt can lessen with time, but it is buried near enough to the surface to come back,
Gosh, I hope I didn't bore you two, I probably didn't tell you one thing you didn't already know, but it felt healthy and healing to write it down,
I wish you both a peaceful night and snuggle with the man you love
they both sound amazing,