Is it the heat?


Spork Queen
Wait a minute. People actually work out??? I mean, I buy the suits and 'pretend,' but have I have never actually done it. I have lots of friends who do the same. It's all a front.

Yeah...I have a membership at 24 Hour Fitness. I go every morning at 5am and work out for an hour. (REALITY: I stopped at Starbucks in my workout clothes for an hour, then went to McD's for an egg mcmuffin and hash browns, a huge coke, then put some water on my forehead when I went home to change for work so everyone thinks I'm REALLY working out.)

Is it fun? Wow.

Hey I love the responses. I read my devotional book everyday and sit on my screened it porch and hear the birds! I try to let go of things I cant control and say the Serenity Prayer a lot. Also wine helps and talking to people that understand. Flowers make me feel good. Taking my time in the mornings, coffee and just thinking help ease my mind. Mostly the Serenity Prayer!

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