Well-Known Member
I can’t imagine living in the conditions she does.
I sometimes think of the "voluntarily homeless" - those would rather be shiftless and steal or drug and sleep on the streets than be clean and industrious and work and live in a decent home - as being much like hoarders. You see people who literally live in filth, without utilities and with so much stuff they can't find, much less use, the kitchen and bathroom or the pet cat that died in the next room, and you wonder, WHY? Why live that way? HOW can they stand it?
But to them, it's just regular life.
I think maybe sometimes they just get so used to the life they live that they don't see any reason to change. But, like the hoarders who get help and end up having their house cleaned and starting over, those people can choose to clean up their act and start living a "typical" life, with a job and possessions and a roof over their heads.
There are success stories, even from drugs and homelessness.
Your girls are in my prayers Leafy, as are you.