Is there somewhere your son could walk to for work just a couple of days a week to get re-acclimated? When my son came home from the streets, he was pretty shell shocked for a few weeks. Living outside is scary. He may be acting out just to be able to control something, anything. Just a thought, none of my business really. My heart goes out to ya'll. There's nothing wrong with easing back into it.
I think he is a little "shell-shocked" We're just focusing on getting healthy food into him, sleep, stress-reduction, and kindness. I think living hand-to-mouth causes you to develop a cynicism and hardness and suspiciousness just to survive. It will take a long time, if at all, for him to normalize even at all. On the positive side, we've seen some small efforts on his part to make this living arrangement work and he has expressed a desire to get a seasonal job, such as for the city, doing outside labor. He absolutely refuses to consider any job involving interacting with the public, which of course, would be a disaster and totally out of his capabilities, both now and maybe always.
We're working on the goal of helping him get a DL. His vision is probably not good enough to pass the test though and we can't really afford to pay for an exam/contacts at the moment. We'll probably encourage him to try and see if he can pass the vision test by some miracle. He could walk to work here. We live in a small town.