Manipulation and mental abuse


Active Member
When your loved ones were drinking/drug use, did they twist your words around? Did they threaten to take their lives all the time? Did they tell you you were horrible and that you did this to them?
All we ever did was try to help. Now I get that I can't be trusted, etc.


Well-Known Member
Absolutely those and more. I think they have their own reality sometimes. There is no use in trying to deal with them when they are like that. They cant reason at least my son can' have to wait for more lucid moments or let the proffesionals deal with it depending on the situation. Nothing is their fault in their reality. My son is bipolar as well so that may contribute. That is one of the reasons that sometimes the only way for them to understand is to take yourself out of the equation and let them figure it out on their own or with professionals. It is the one they need/love the most that often takes the brunt of the abuse.


Well-Known Member
He was first diagnosed at 17 after he took my car off a cliff. The diagnosis was confirmed about 6 months ago he is 36. There were several misdiagnosis along the way. In my gut i feel this one is correct. We never knew what was going to send him into a rage. He could be very charming or a monster. Low self esteem at times lots of bravado at others. Classic feeling of walking on egg shells. Very smart but not willing to deal with school.


Well-Known Member
Yes Yes Yes! Someone once told me that it is impossible to really be in relationhip with someone who is using because the most important relationship for them is with their drug. I have found that my son will say and do whatever he can to get what he wants. To some extent this is is always true but when he is drugging or drinking it is much more pronounced. When he is in a sober /clean period he is much more pleasant to be around. I dont like him when he is using but I do like him when he is clean.sober.


Well-Known Member
I feel after rereading my last reply i should add that my son with his bipolar uses alchohol and drugs and is untreated so may not be typical. Many people with bipolar who are treated function very well.

New Leaf

Well-Known Member
When your loved ones were drinking/drug use, did they twist your words around? Did they threaten to take their lives all the time? Did they tell you you were horrible and that you did this to them?
All we ever did was try to help. Now I get that I can't be trusted, etc.
Drugs do horrible things to people. I can never say the right things to my two. I feel that deep down inside they know they are making bad choices, but the drug addiction gnaws at them more than their conscience. It is easier to blame it all on us. Then, they don’t have to look at themselves.
Mine haven’t threatened to take their own lives outright, but have dropped subtle innuendos that play on my fears.
As far as mental illness goes, my two have been using for so long, escalating to meth, which I have read causes psychosis and schizophrenic mimicking side effects.
Mine have loomed over me in threatening postures, sworn at me, stolen from me. No apologies or remorse, just more of the same. Rain called the other day saying she was coming over, never did. Tornado, I have not seen or heard from.
I think they cling to like minded addicts and reject “normal” people who work and are self sufficient. The world they are living in is their own perspective and reality.
As long as I don’t house them and enable them, I am the enemy.
It is hard to live through and witness, but this is what is, for me.
I have decided that I will no longer be their target, nor should I see myself through their drug hazed eyes. I still hope and pray that they will wake up and find their true potential, but honestly, how much can a brain endure before damage is irreversible?
Trying, You did the best job you could raising your son.
They grow up and choose how to live.
It is painfully sad, a waste of life and health.
I am sorry for the ache of this.