More calls….


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Oh I am so glad to know you are doing better and taking care of yourself ANewLife4Me! I am an emotional eater too. Been that way since my son started seizing when he was 8. Always eating my feelings and now I eat because it's been one of the few things that I enjoy in life besides my goldfish pond and my flowers. You've inspired me so much with these posts that I'm going to do better too. I'll be 59 one month from today. I watched a show called HEAL last night and it was very eye opening. Stress and our negative thoughts can make us sick. Add eating unhealthy on top of that and it's so not good! Yep, I love me some pizza too!

I had a good day yesterday and I hope you did too. A BBQ sounds nice for you and your husband. I'm glad you still have him and you two have stuck together through all of this with your daughter. Again, I cannot begin to tell you how much you've helped me these last few days. I really appreciate you taking the time to message me. It's meant more than you'll ever know. Literally saving me from myself!


Active Member
Oh I am so glad to know you are doing better and taking care of yourself ANewLife4Me! I am an emotional eater too. Been that way since my son started seizing when he was 8. Always eating my feelings and now I eat because it's been one of the few things that I enjoy in life besides my goldfish pond and my flowers. You've inspired me so much with these posts that I'm going to do better too. I'll be 59 one month from today. I watched a show called HEAL last night and it was very eye opening. Stress and our negative thoughts can make us sick. Add eating unhealthy on top of that and it's so not good! Yep, I love me some pizza too!

I had a good day yesterday and I hope you did too. A BBQ sounds nice for you and your husband. I'm glad you still have him and you two have stuck together through all of this with your daughter. Again, I cannot begin to tell you how much you've helped me these last few days. I really appreciate you taking the time to message me. It's meant more than you'll ever know. Literally saving me from myself!
Thank you MommaTried24! ❤️ You also have inspired and encouraged me to continue on what I must do….that possibly it won’t be the very worst thing in the world. As all of the wonderful parents on here have shown us that the children who are homeless, while not a good situation at all, are making it. Those worst case scenarios are first thoughts when in fact the reality is nothing at all like we imagined. Take jail for instance, horrible thoughts of beatings, her being so scared. In reality she told me it’s not bad at all, they play cards and mostly sleep the day away or watch tv. Our minds are our greatest enemy. 😊

You sound as if you have had a wonderful day yesterday! Oh how I thank God for that! We are on the beginning of a new journey, one in which we focus more on US! We will still have a bad day in all aspects of life but….put a timer on it! I am so glad a member here said that, it really has stuck with me. 😊 I hope that you will celebrate Mother’s Day tomorrow with much joy and do something extra special for yourself! My family has never really celebrated it, just a phone call and maybe going out to eat at a later date. My daughter never participated in anything we did so I can handle this day pretty well. But, I have a bit of sadness missing my own mother who passed about 18 years ago. So I will be fine, I hope you will be too!

I am thankful we are able to write and help the other, it’s comforting and I thank you for being there. We all need to write books here, get it all out! 😁 As I say baby steps, we cannot tackle everything in one go. Say with my diet, am allowing cheating or else I would go bonkers. 🤣😂 I see progress and am not going to stop but, at my pace will continue as I see and am able too. I wake up each day as a new beginning, a new start no matter what happened yesterday….let it go. ❤️🤗


Active Member
Yes everything you said is so true! Slow and steady wins the race though and our minds are truly our greatest enemy. You are so right about our kids in jail too. Lay around, sleep, play cards, etc. Sadly, I think jail is the only time my son feels like he has friends. Everybody in the neighborhood left him when he started seizing. They wouldn't even step foot in our yard after that. So sad. He gets to do nothing in jail which is what he did at my house. They should be made to work or do something productive in my opinion. For years he had so many opportunities to turn it around living free at my house. Totally had it made! So yes, the worst things I've imagined have already happened to him before jail. Including rape (his father left him with an older male during his visitation every other weekend) and that's when he started having seizures keeping all of that in. He didn't tell anyone for two years! I understand why he drinks.

So yes, today is a good day and yes I know how you feel missing your own mother. Mine has been gone 7 years now and she was truly my best friend. She was 69 and had lupus for years but pneumonia is what got her. RIP Momma, I love you and miss you so much!

Absolutely we must have cheat days for sure. It's a reward for being good but I'm going to try and reward myself in other ways now. I so did not mean to highjack your original post. Please forgive that since I'm new and not with the program yet.

I hope you have a great day tomorrow in spite of it all. So grateful for you! Have a good day!
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Active Member
Yes everything you said is so true! Slow and steady wins the race though and our minds are truly our greatest enemy. You are so right about our kids in jail too. Lay around, sleep, play cards, etc. Sadly, I think jail is the only time my son feels like he has friends. Everybody in the neighborhood left him when he started seizing. They wouldn't even step foot in our yard after that. So sad. He gets to do nothing in jail which is what he did at my house. They should be made to work or do something productive in my opinion. For years he had so many opportunities to turn it around living free at my house. Totally had it made! So yes, the worst things I've imagined have already happened to him before jail. Including rape (his father left him with an older male during his visitation every other weekend) and that's when he started having seizures keeping all of that in. He didn't tell anyone for two years! I understand why he drinks.

So yes, today is a good day and yes I know how you feel missing your own mother. Mine has been gone 7 years now and she was truly my best friend. She was 69 and had lupus for years but pneumonia is what got her. RIP Momma, I love you and miss you so much!

Absolutely we must have cheat days for sure. It's a reward for being good but I'm going to try and reward myself in other ways now. I so did not mean to highjack your original post. Please forgive that since I'm new and not with the program yet.

I hope you have a great day tomorrow in spite of it all. So grateful for you! Have a good day!
I do not see it as high jacking at all! We have similar issues and see this as shared thoughts. 🤗 It’s difficult hearing of what he experienced in jail, how heartbreaking for you both. 😢 We would think this would make him want to really try and change his life around huh? My daughter has had similar issues happen to her, not in jail that I know of, and if I were in her shoes…..would never want it to happen ever again. You and I are only a year apart in age so you definitely understand when I say our children’s generation is so different than when we were raised. More feelings of entitlement and that they can do no wrong, get away with anything and everything. It’s not just for those who have mental issues, my son is the very same. A tough world out there for them, so very thankful I do not have grandchildren who have to deal with all that’s going on these days.

I am in total agreement!!!! Oh it makes me so angry that while in jail they are getting exactly what they want, which is to do nothing and be taken care of. Make them work, something productive as you said. Some jails do this and they earn a bit of money to start with when they get out. The jail my daughter is in does not even give the original clothes they went in with but something that fits them when released.

I hope you have an even better day! Thank you for your wisdom and caring but again sorry we met through such terrible issues. We are going to see ourselves through this, we have too. ❤️


Active Member
Oh sorry you must have misread my post. It didn't happen in jail, it happened to my son when he was 8 years old. His dad left him with someone during visitation. He started seizing two years later at the age of 10.

I hope you all had/have a nice BBQ and I'm wishing you a Happy Mother's Day!


Active Member
Oh sorry you must have misread my post. It didn't happen in jail, it happened to my son when he was 8 years old. His dad left him with someone during visitation. He started seizing two years later at the age of 10.

I hope you all had/have a nice BBQ and I'm wishing you a Happy Mother's Day!
Oh! Sorry about that. 😁 Have an amazing Mother’s Day! It’s currently raining here, go figure. lol Hope you do something nice for yourself today. 🤗


Active Member
Oh rats on the rain! I hope you had a good day in spite of it. We had a beautiful day here. I bought myself a new hanging flower and two new goldfish for my peaceful little pond. ❤️

I am happy today that Mother’s Day is over! LOL! Yay! 😂


Active Member
Oh rats on the rain! I hope you had a good day in spite of it. We had a beautiful day here. I bought myself a new hanging flower and two new goldfish for my peaceful little pond. ❤️

I am happy today that Mother’s Day is over! LOL! Yay! 😂
That sounds lovely, the hanging flower and goldfish! ❤️ Have always wanted a pond, they must be so very peaceful. 😊

Was a quiet day here, husband and I sat around and caught up on our shows, he was called into work but no biggie as we never really celebrated Mothers Day anyhow.

Am glad your finding a bit of peace today that the holiday is over. My son was working as well but took a minute to call me in between. He and our relationship was very back and forth, much like his sister without all the mental going on. I think as he is getting older, as we his parents are too, that he must make an effort…as they say takes 2 to make things work. Am encouraged by this, quite happy actually but, does bring much guilt that we cannot do the same with our daughter. I have to accept how things are and sit back, letting each one’s life and relationship with us not be one sided, we doing all the work. 😊

Have a great week! Don’t work too hard. 🤗


Active Member
I'm glad your son called you and it made you quite happy. ❤️ You deserve that and so much more!

I built my little pond myself. It's only 50 gallons but it's my little peaceful place that's truly saved my sanity the last four years. LOL! Sounds crazy but it's so true!

I hope you have a great week too my friend! :hugs:


Active Member
I'm glad your son called you and it made you quite happy. ❤️ You deserve that and so much more!

I built my little pond myself. It's only 50 gallons but it's my little peaceful place that's truly saved my sanity the last four years. LOL! Sounds crazy but it's so true!

I hope you have a great week too my friend! :hugs:
That’s amazing you built that yourself, 50 gallons! I can only imagine watching the fish and how calming that could be. 😊 I have a little patch of woods behind my home that is my enjoyment, from birds - bunnies - even gopher tortoises, they are protected here and cannot touch them. We also have frogs, one was a good size and had placed itself on the side of my doorbell right where the door handle is. What a shock seeing him at night! They like to hang onto my windows peepin in. Twice now have had them plop and use my head as a springboard while laying in bed! I screamed loudly both times. 😂🤣😂🤣 And of course the snakes, do NOT like them - at all. 😆

You seem so much happier and I am very thankful for that! Deserving so much of this and many more days like it! 🤗❤️


Active Member
That's too funny about the frogs! I have two pond frogs that took up residency but they hide from me. I love nature and all those critters you mentioned in your little patch of woods. Sounds very nice, except for the frogs springboarding off your head! LOL! I would have screamed too! 🙀

I stay isolated outside of work and struggle really bad with depression so simple things like my pond and nature always makes me happy. :love_heart:


Active Member
That's too funny about the frogs! I have two pond frogs that took up residency but they hide from me. I love nature and all those critters you mentioned in your little patch of woods. Sounds very nice, except for the frogs springboarding off your head! LOL! I would have screamed too! 🙀

I stay isolated outside of work and struggle really bad with depression so simple things like my pond and nature always makes me happy. :love_heart:
Even though I am married my life is isolated as well. Depression is such a pain in the butt, takes all of your energy away from you. I find that the more I fight it, it’s hard to get started when there is no motivation, forcing myself to do even the smallest things really makes me feel so great about myself and want to do even more. I have fibromyalgia which causes widespread pain all day everyday. My doctors put in my chart that patient is happy and laughing, cannot be in that much pain. My body has adapted to it and I refuse to let things control me. Dizziness with no known cause, my mother suffered from this as well. So what do I do? Bought myself a walker to be able to go out and sit if the dizzy gets too bad. My mother was all that I do not want to be. She was so loving but, she gave up on life early on….I don’t want to be her sitting around all day. Guess what I am trying to say is we all have issues besides our children’s that get in the way of us leading a full life. My children have noticed over the years a dramatic change in me concerning my mental, my daughter asked how I did it. Unfortunately age is a big factor and lessons learned but, mostly because I fight. Hate any medication as I used to be a pharmacy technician and the medication some take to take care of the side affects from the other medication they are on is crazy!

So what is it that we love to do? You seem to love nature and being outside at your pond or the park. Are there other things you would love to do maybe challenging yourself so as not to be isolated? Mine are thrift stores when I get the I cannot stay in this house a second longer. lol Sometimes I scare myself as the dizzy will overcome me and I am frozen to wherever I am. They say if you train your mind to think that activity will bring on the same results such as dizziness, will become a permanent trigger of never doing it again. It’s been happening the past few times I have been out. And I actually yelled at myself. Told myself you are NOT going to give in to anxiety and panic and take the very last thing away that you love. Always fighting one thing or another but this time, I intend to win. 🤗❤️


Active Member
Good Morning ANewLife4Me! You are so awesome and definitely a winner! 🏆 I'm lucky in that I do have my health (so far) and I don't have to take medications. My son has had to take prescription drugs every 12 hours for the last 18 years. At one point he was on 27 pills a day and having visual an auditory hallucinations because of them so I totally get how you feel about the medications. Thankfully, he doesn't do that anymore since the brain surgery. The fact that your docs put in your chart that "patient is happy and laughing, cannot be in that much pain" is insane! That just means you truly are a winner!! I am proud you keep fighting the good fight! My mom had those dizzy spells. They diagnosed her with vertigo and come to find out she had an inner ear infection with zero pain. My boss had it too and it was the same thing. Wish it was the case for you. Just be careful!

Praying you have a day with less pain and are happy and laughing out loud all day today! ❤️


Active Member
Good Morning ANewLife4Me! You are so awesome and definitely a winner! 🏆 I'm lucky in that I do have my health (so far) and I don't have to take medications. My son has had to take prescription drugs every 12 hours for the last 18 years. At one point he was on 27 pills a day and having visual an auditory hallucinations because of them so I totally get how you feel about the medications. Thankfully, he doesn't do that anymore since the brain surgery. The fact that your docs put in your chart that "patient is happy and laughing, cannot be in that much pain" is insane! That just means you truly are a winner!! I am proud you keep fighting the good fight! My mom had those dizzy spells. They diagnosed her with vertigo and come to find out she had an inner ear infection with zero pain. My boss had it too and it was the same thing. Wish it was the case for you. Just be careful!

Praying you have a day with less pain and are happy and laughing out loud all day today! ❤️
Thank you MommaTried24! 🤗 I am blown away by your posts! Am so very proud of you because I see a HUGE change in you since we started talking! You are an inspiration to me that you ARE fighting, you’re not giving up and giving in. This is the hardest thing to switch gears for things we have endured for a lifetime. You keep going, stay positive and strong! I know you got this, I see it! Sending love and big hugs for an amazing day! 🥰

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