Hi all!
Thanks awfully for all the responces, and I know that ALL your advice is on target, and good. husband here, wife sleeping and recuperating,Thank God! wife called difficult child's councilor today, and got some good advice. Crisis seems not to be as dire as first assesed. difficult child doesnt seem to anxious to leave this world, yet BELIEVE me we dont take these hints lightly!!!. Having an addictive personality disorder, I truely understand the mechanics of addictions, and see quite clearly in my difficult child the same games I played on myself!. I talk to him in earnest about it on a real level , but he hasn't hit his bottom yet! I totally agree that there isnt a whole lot to do for him until he wants to help himself, except to get him in an environment where he cant hurt himself! We are proceeding on several levels to help difficult child , and are being proactive with both his councilling, school, and court. working hard to be supportive, encouraging, and negative regarding drugs. We realize that things are getting worse, and worse, but we arent lulled into a false sense of security, and are aggressivily pursuing all avenues for aid for our difficult child (medications, counciling, support,etc). We continue to encourage him regarding his future, and the good stuff there is to live for, and behind the scenes are seeking good psychiatric support foor him.
Again thanks for the responces
Thanks awfully for all the responces, and I know that ALL your advice is on target, and good. husband here, wife sleeping and recuperating,Thank God! wife called difficult child's councilor today, and got some good advice. Crisis seems not to be as dire as first assesed. difficult child doesnt seem to anxious to leave this world, yet BELIEVE me we dont take these hints lightly!!!. Having an addictive personality disorder, I truely understand the mechanics of addictions, and see quite clearly in my difficult child the same games I played on myself!. I talk to him in earnest about it on a real level , but he hasn't hit his bottom yet! I totally agree that there isnt a whole lot to do for him until he wants to help himself, except to get him in an environment where he cant hurt himself! We are proceeding on several levels to help difficult child , and are being proactive with both his councilling, school, and court. working hard to be supportive, encouraging, and negative regarding drugs. We realize that things are getting worse, and worse, but we arent lulled into a false sense of security, and are aggressivily pursuing all avenues for aid for our difficult child (medications, counciling, support,etc). We continue to encourage him regarding his future, and the good stuff there is to live for, and behind the scenes are seeking good psychiatric support foor him.
Again thanks for the responces