
Well-Known Member
Having lived with a drug using daughter, I learned a few things. AT least, this is my take on it and hers since we have talked it over ad nauseum. First of all, kids don't always use drugs because they want to rebel or are angry. My daughter did it because we had just moved, everyone ignored her, and she wanted to fit in. When she sat alone at lunch, guess which kids befriended her? The nice kids? noooooooooo. These losers always love to bring others into their fold, and she wanted to be popular so she joined in. She was twelve when she started smoking pot. She was fourteen when she was doing more than that and drinking too. She was angry by then because drugs make you angry. She got worse as she got older--more into the drugs. Never in a million years would we have guessed she actually shot heroine a few times and regularly snorted crushed up ADHD drugs alone or with cocaine (a popular thing to do). She was on parole twice for pot, but that didn't scare her enough to stop her. And her lying!!! She could look us straight in the eyes and tell a total lie without flinching.
One day, after daughter had used our car for work the night before, I was driving my young son to school. He held something up and said, "Oh, look! J's toy!" Um, it was a pipe. I instinctively tossed it out the window, knowing that if a cop stopped me for making a driving error he could charge me with having drug paraphernalia in my car! When I got home, I confronted my daughter who said, "I was set up! I saw A. at work and I wouldn't talk to him and he was really :censored2:. He must have planted that in the car!" You know what? At the time, I was so clueless, and she lied so well, that I sort of believed her. I soon learned that she always had "bad stuff" around her, but it was never her fault. Kids gave it to her. THey tricked her. They set her up. It didn't belong to her. Blah, blah, blah. The lies of a drug addict. And she WAS addicted. She tells me it was really hard to get off the ADHD medications. Although we are told t hey aren't addictive, THEY ARE. If you take them the right way they aren't, but, hey, risktaking teens often take them the wrong way. At any rate, I would think that anything he confessed to is 50% worse, if not more, than you know, and I'd get him off the street. An Residential Treatment Center (RTC) is not a cure. But it will give him time away from his "friends." Make sure it's a good Residential Treatment Center (RTC). My daughter knows some kids who got drugs at RTCs. Yes, I know they are supposed to be strict and it isn't supposed to happen, but it can. At this point, don't believe anything he says and ignore his anger--just help him. Prayers go out to you.


Unfortunately, there are no easy answers to this serious dilemma.

Keep in mind that your responsibility as a parent, first and foremost, is to keep your child SAFE!

Keep in mind that if your child has developed an addiction to drugs, a counseling appointment every 2 or 3 weeks will do very little to help him break his addiction and stay clean. Intensive counseling, drug rehabilitation or even residential treatment may be necessary.


Your difficult child has some similar traits to ours. Our difficult child 1 has been in an Residential Treatment Facility (RTF) for 3 weeks now & already we are seeing some changes, don't know how long term they will be but it's a start.

Depending where you are in WI, I can make some specific suggestions about programs we know or have tried. PM me & I can send you details.

Good luck, hang in there & take care of yourself.
