OMG they handcuffed her and took her away?!?!?


Well-Known Member
I'm not familiar with your situation. I don't get on the General Forum that often. I just wanted to come in and offer a hug. My difficult child has not had an episode in school, fortunately, but it's something that I could see happening if conditions were just right and it's something I dread and think about regularly. I'm sure it's been a total nightmare for her and your family.


Roll With It
I am sending gentle hugs for ALL of you. I can understand the sub being upset - she wasn't given ANY of the tools she needed to do her job properly. It will never be known if the teacher would have done things differently because the idiot school didn't let her know that difficult child needed special treatment.

OUR substitutes are told if a child has an IEP and a general idea of any problems - AND they can come in early and read over the IEP. They have to sign the forms, and it can only be for students in the class they will be subbing in - not just any kid. I KNOW this because a friend of mine subs in our district. She is ALWAYS given info on kids with any special needs, EXCEPT when she is at the school her kids attend. It is the "rich" school in our district and they don't want to admit to ANYONE that they even have kids iwth IEPs. IT is really a sillypolicy and causes a lot of headaches.

How do they even get subs when the school puts them into such a situation that could be dangerous for the child, the other kids and the teacher? I can't see how ANYONE would sub EVER in a school where they are sent in flying blind.

Nancy, I am so sorry. PUSH the school - do NOT let them place the blame on your child. Yes, she carries some responsibility BUT the attack was a manifestation of her illness AND a direct result of the BIP not being followed - and if the BIP is in the IEP then it must be followed. I am not even sure they can legally suspend your child since this attack is a manifestation of her illness. It would be something to ask over in the Special Education forum, and maybe on a Wrightslaw forum, if htey have one.

Who is supposed to do this Risk Assessment, and what if you disagree with what they say?on the other hand, maybe you can use this to get a 1:1 for your difficult child? It sounds like it might be a good thing, someone to run interference between difficult child and any personnel who don't know the BIP or IEP.

Hugs, lady, this will be a rough road!


Well-Known Member
It seems to me that the school is in a bit of a "darned if they do, darned if they don't" situation. If they tell a sub about every problem every child has, some subs will jump the gun right into discipline on a kid's good day. If they don't tell, they don't know how to handle a situation. I do think that at least they should have told this substitute "if there are any problems with any child you should contact... for direction."

If you delay the IEP, make sure that you have an alternate date set in advance.


One of my sons doctors said " why is health care divided up anyway? Physical, mental, and teeth?"
I am personally very dissatisified with educators who continue to tell us that they are not competant to review the contents of the IEP/504 due to lacking time. Then when something results that they did have alternatives to act on:referral to a conselors office, call upon the IEP/504 the principel or due to the need of the teachers put in for the teachers aids that are needed.
I am so sorry that your child has been arrested and treated as a criminal because the school district is unwilling to accomidate the needs known to exist for her proper education.
I hope you are able to slow down and say in terms the folks who will be listening to you can hear step by step how this matter shows the negligence by the adults who have the respon
cibility in the school district to support the appropriate education of your learner.
ANd if you had taken her for treatement and diagnostic assisitance only to be told that these were not needed when in reality these are essential to recieving the attention to the details in an IEP/504 then getting the lawyer on board may very well be the best choice. Federal laws may seem unimportant to a big fish in a small pond but these tend to become easier to hear and place into action when the fishy business is in a courtroom.
It would not be the first or the last time that a school district has revamped to bring to current requirement the entire staff of the district. Here the homeless federal rules just became interesting to the district that way.
Also get someone in your home to keep your child educationally on track during the suspension. When the failure on the part of the school to accomidate or apply the federal IEP/504 proves to have contributed to the avoidable conflict that errupted predictably due to the school districts negligence to federal laws the lawyers fees and other such will be paid, ultimately, by the district.
We were once in a district that viewed the IEP/504 students as primarily a disiplianary issue and argued that "the rules apply to all students" however Federal laws apply to ALL adults employed and the district employing them.
You go MOM!
Did you find out what led up to the assault of the teacher, by the way?
What is particularly horrible for the student who is not recieving the services is that the hostility and out of control responses like neglecting to act toward the students learning needs and then bringing in officers is it give the impression that
"something is wrong with the identified patient" and it reminds teachers and principles that at the beginning of the day those subs, like regular daily teachers need to know in advance what special accomidations and proceedures are in place for which students and the action plans that are available to manage as needed.


Well-Known Member
Yes, if you could make sure you get all the assignments sent home and you have someone help with-homework (assuming your difficult child will not cooperate with-you), that would be a great assist. You don't want your difficult child to fall behind.

What a mess. So sorry.

Just wanted to see your update, and send hugs. :)


do I have to be the mom?
yeah, reg. teacher's have been great. we were going to pick up the assignments on Fri but had to go get teh risk assessment done instead. we'll get them Monday. husband has to take her to work all week. Luckily he works at teh family business - grandma will spend some time with- her I'm sure. i just don't want it to seem like a vacation....

I'm not sure how I could prove school negligence

husband and I are just so frustrated!!!! I know she has to have consequences but I still think the arrest was over the top for an Learning Disability (LD) kid. I keep hearing that principal say that the teacher acted perfectly within reason.........sure, for any other child.

Thank you thank you for all the support & hugs.

Oh and the risk assessment went great! did I tell you already? can't remember


Well-Known Member
Blaming the child, making the parents feel intimidated AND turning over as
many "problems" as possible to law enforcement is exactly how the local school system works. Thank heavens for the use of "manifestation' hearings because it does prevent kids from long term isolation.

CD members have found it difficult to believe...but...they even put pictures of juveniles in the local paper and get away with it. A six year old little girl in the adjacent down "threw a desk" and was carted away to be fingerprinted etc. at the county jail. Her picture was NOT in the paper
but a picture of the desk was photographed and the childs name, age and
address was in the adjacent article.

It's a fine line trying to get your child educated and staying in a working relationship with the school system. My main adivise is "don't ever let them see you sweat" and "don't ever trust that they have your childs best interests at heart."

Supportive hugs coming your way. DDD