Personally I hate any therapist/psychiatrist/neuropsychologist/doctor who says that a mental health disorder can only be caused by one thing. Other than some organic disorders, I think we don't have more than a clue about the true causes of most disorders. I will believe we have conclusive proof that Borderline (BPD) is cause only by childhood abuse and adhd is caused by parents who drink and autism is caused by refrigerator moms if and when we can cure the common cold. I think conclusive proof in any of these cases, incl the cold, is about as likely to happen. We just don't have a clue.
in my opinion this doctor hasn't got a clue and will be led a merry dance by your daughter.
What happens if you don't take difficult child to mental health for therapy? Is therapy actually going to help her or just annoy you by giving her more ways to bring drama and stress into YOUR life? I sincerely doubt that anyone can charge you with neglect after all the years you tried and tried to get help for her. If they do, and they threaten to remove her, let them!! I am sure just the OFFER of letting them have her would back them down, esp if they have anyone with a clue hwo has spoken with her.
You are a great mom, but you cannot fix what difficult child doesn't see as a problem.
in my opinion this doctor hasn't got a clue and will be led a merry dance by your daughter.
What happens if you don't take difficult child to mental health for therapy? Is therapy actually going to help her or just annoy you by giving her more ways to bring drama and stress into YOUR life? I sincerely doubt that anyone can charge you with neglect after all the years you tried and tried to get help for her. If they do, and they threaten to remove her, let them!! I am sure just the OFFER of letting them have her would back them down, esp if they have anyone with a clue hwo has spoken with her.
You are a great mom, but you cannot fix what difficult child doesn't see as a problem.