Good. He really needs to contact you in a positive way before you go out of your way to do much for him, like visit him.
I havenot said anything about this before, I don't think. So here goes.
My bro is an alcoholic. He has over 5 years sober. Well over. Maybe close to 7 years. Not sure.
When he was drinking he was horrible. My parents overlooked it/called it other things for years. He also waxed and waned on how much he was drinking.
He finally got into serious trouble. One Easter morn my parents got a call about 1 am. He had been arrested for alcohol and gun related felonies. Someone was playing rap music in their truck at the gas station on the corner 2 doors from his house. He got sort of dressed (a hat, jacket and boots - ONLY. It may be Oklahoma, but that still doesn't count as dressed.) and went to the gas station waving a pistol.
My folks bailed him out. I was torn about that, esp since he abused me badly for many years when he was drunk. Less than 2 weeks later he drove my dad's truck into the side of his (bro's house). he was on his way home from vandalizing a house - said he was supposed to look at it to rent it, but 2am is an odd time to go house huntingIMO.
My parents LEFT HIMTHEIR. He called me, in another state, to borrow bail $$$. I told him I had no $$$ to help him, and would not give it if I had it. Too much history, sorry youare in jail, gotta go. Don't call again, I can't afford it.
Mom and dad had a trip to Europe scheduled. they were really scared what would happen to him. They arranged for a rehab. He went there, then was home for a week or so before they got home.
They gave him 1 shot at rehab. Told him up front that this was his only shot. Mess it up and we will drop you off at jail. They did some of the family stuff, and I went to some things later.
HE got the point. He still says if it wasn't for the 2 weeks in jail, looking at the other guys thinking "I'm not going to end up like them" then realizing that is exactly where his road was headed, he would NOT have been able to take advantage of the benefits of rehab.
He also went throgh Menders, a program for men with anger and violence issues at a later point.
The point is, he had ONE shot, and took it.
How many times has your son gotten another chance? Has what you have done helped him? It hasn't? So maybe you have to leave it up to HIM. STOP sending things, stop visiting, just let him handle things.
I know it is hard. It was very hard when I had to have my young difficult child removed. He was only14. But eh had to GO. No other choices if the rest of us were to be healthy.
Work on the rest of you. difficult child has taken too much time and energy. Put those resources to use where they will be helpful.
Sending hugs,