*That Sunday* is coming up


Well-Known Member
Suz, that's wonderful.
It gives me hope that someday, maybe...
Enjoy your day with Rob.

I usually have a great time at mother in law's party, and expect that I will this year as well. I will try to focus on that, rather than on feeling sorry for myself.

As for husband, he's such a lovely man and he takes such good care of me in so many ways. It's hard to bring myself to fuss at him over this one thing. Gosh, though...if it bothers me enough to make me cry about it 3 days in a row, perhaps I should just tell him.

Hope all of you manage to find some peace and happiness in Mother's Day, one way or another. Be kind to yourselves.


hearts and roses

Mind Reader
Suz, I'm so happy that he called you - and to anything you want! That's so wonderful!

Regarding ex's: My ex bought me a gift card to a local fancy restaurant last year for Mother's Day - how cool is that? After 20 years, he finally acknowledged that I was not only the mother of his two darling daughters, but he told me I did a wonderful job! My H always wishes me a mom's day and tries to make it special in some way, even though our only children are from my prior marriage. I think that's sweet of him. He really took on the 'package deal'. Haha.

I work with a guy and I asked him what he's doing for his wife for Mother's day and his response was: "She's not MY mother". That'll teach me. lol - what a buffoon.
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Jo's comments on Mother's Day have really made me think. It is a wonderful way of looking at the day. I love C.J.'s way of celebrating by sending hand made cards and special notes.

I've never enjoyed Mother's Day. My difficult children no longer acknowledge it. It's just a "usual" day. Prior to my mother in law's death and when I was still in contact with my mother, difficult child 2 used to love the day. He got to have cake twice. One celebration with my mother in law and another one with my mother. Sadly, to difficult child 2, Mother's Day was wonderful because he got to eat lots of "junk." difficult child 1 used to hate the day because it took him away from his beloved gaming.

I don't expect anything from anyone. For me, it's life as usual. However, I will do something special just for myself. WFEN


New Member
My planns are up in the air for mother's day this year because my son got put back in jail for not working his court ordered program.
Before that I was planning to have a nice family gathering but now will not because I'm not up to cooking and cleaning for everyone to come here. I probably will just go out with husband and maybe my easy child 1 and her family. No firm plans for now since I only got the news this afternoon.

Even though it was a real effort, I did go and buy cards for my daughters who are mothers now. I really didn't want to go out because I was sad and feeling vulnerable. I talked myself into the shopping by saying that I will go to the store in order to honor my children who are doing well and not hide inside focusing on the one that is not. Some times it is so hard to stay healthy when we are surrounded by disease. -RM


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Just finished dinner with Youngest and my grandson. I brought up hte idea of regular Sunday dinners. Then, I said:

"To be honest, I'm hesitant to plan this Sunday's dinner, because I really don't want to cook. I was kind of hoping you and Oldest might plan something for Mother's Day."

Youngest, in an indignant voice: "I'm a mother TOO!"

Well then.

Never mind.

Sorry I brought it up! LOL


Shooting from the Hip
Youngest, in an indignant voice: "I'm a mother TOO!"

Geez. I'm sending you some hugs and if I were near you I'd bring you flowers from my garden. Cuz I am a mom but I appreciate all the other moms out there too.


more hugs.


Well-Known Member
Long story short. L had nearly manipulated me - yet again - into paying for and cooking dinner for her and guests at my house for my mother's day gift. Today I texted her that my friends (whom I tried to invite at the last minute so that there would be at least a couple of people I didn't want to strangle there) couldn't make it, and suggested that I would like dinner at a local rib joint that I really like. It's a total dive but the BBQ is to die for and it's the only place West of the Mississippi (that I know of) where you can get deep fried macaroni and cheese. (drool:peaceful:) She made the reservation for us and her and her boyfriend, and when the check comes, husband and I are going to excuse ourselves to wash our hands.

I've left out the part about the manipulation, but all the better, because I have been a PITA about getting caught up with that for days. I feel good. I'm just going to pretend it's like any other day, except this time L's paying.
Well Mothers Day for me is doing what I love. My daughter always gets me something for every occasion. It makes me so happy to see that she can acknowledge that I did the best I could for all of them. She is amazing and wonderful and makes me smile. My youngest said he would take me to a movie today - free because he works at the theater! Whatever! That iwll be fun. My husband will be back in town tonight and since we had such fun last weekend it will probably carry over to this day too! Actually I remember when my mother was living and we were at home - getting her something and signing the card together and presenting it to her together. I miss my mother so much. It is weird to go tothe grocery store and see people buying cards and flowers and such for their mothers and I dont have that to do. But I will say, I have had the opportunity to enjoy Mothers Day because I was lucky enough to have children. My sister had miscarriages and tubal pregancies. However, now that she has seen what I have been through with difficult child she is probably thanks her lucky stars - sometimes. My difficult child will probably never even know it is Mothers Day. I bought him some peanut butter and jelly and bread and left it is my car for the next time he says he is hungry. I just cant believe that people can live like they do. Happy MOthers Day to everyone! Somehow I think everyone is a mother to something even if they dont have kids.


(the future) MRS. GERE
Happy Mother's Day to our Warrior Mom family! I hope everyone is happily surprised today!



I was fortunate to have a nice Mother's Day this year.
Some years were not so "nice."
I do think much, if not all, of this had to do with the stages of development of my kids.
Some of the teen years were particularly rough.
I came across this in a recent e newsletter...thought it was somewhat related and good for us in the PE group...

[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif](From the Hazelton newsletter...)[/FONT]
[FONT=georgia,palatino]A mother is not a person to lean on, but a person to make leaning unnecessary.
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]--Dorothy Canfield Fisher[/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]A strong, healthy tree is one which is free to grow straight and tall. A weak tree often must lean against another for support. It is not that different with people. We are not healthy and strong when we must always lean on another to support us. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]This doesn't mean it isn't healthy to accept help. But the best help we can get or give is that which enables us to do things without it. Sometimes we think we lose a relationship when others don't need our help, or when we don't need theirs all the time. The reverse is true. Only when we are each strong enough to stand on our own can we really share the kind of help, which allows both the helped and the helper to be independent. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Have I been giving the right kind of help? [/FONT]

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