New Leaf
Well-Known Member
Good morning all. I woke up this morning determined to keep living my life. Not going to drop everything to pursue this. I was reading about meth detox and realized at this stage, only a few days in, Tornado will be a wreck. Not going into the old pattern of rescue mode.
I think we all have so much to offer one another and am so appreciative of the time you took to write out your suggestion from your own struggles. I am not having this mess. That is how I have been feeling, as I sort through this latest version of consequences. Stopping myself from that old moth to the flame reaction. I don't know about reconnection, it would take a lot of soul searching for Tornado, and staying off of drugs. I am not basing my life on how my two decide, borrowing from my Dads stoicism. I am not cold hearted, just been around the block with this for too many years. I have to be tough, for self preservation, as well as my sons sake. I have fallen into despair too many times over my twos choices. I don't want to go down that rabbit hole again.
Thank you all so much for taking the precious time out of your day to help me with your thoughts and kindness. It is such a relief to be able to sort this out with you guys.
That is how I feel. I will sit with it for a while before I do anything.After getting over the initial "shock" of having my only child in jail, I began thinking like so many of us here do.....she is safe......she is eating......I know where she is now......sigh....
There is no use denying it, Re, it is true, it is a shock to the system, even though I have secretly prayed that either she, or her sister would be hauled in one day. Yes, I have prayed for this. It is something of a last resort, seeing Rain sporadically, hearing reports of my two slipping and stumbling further and further into meth addiction and homelessness. It seems that they have accepted this lifestyle above anything else. Reading up on meth, it is a no brainer. The vicious cycle of use, leading them to the very gates of hell. This is a forced detox. Not by choice. Time will only tell what her decision is. She has abandoned family, her own children, to get high and live on the streets.I'm sorry Leafy, I know the assault this takes on your whole system until you regain your balance.....your daughter will do whatever she will do......while she is dealing with this latest issue, take this time to be very kind and nourishing to yourself.....amp up your self care and support.....we'll do our best to support you, circling our wagons around're not alone.....
Thank you Albie. The seesawing that goes with this. If I go to court, if I don't go to court.......The thing is, my focus has been on seeing my son through his last years of high school. His life has been so thoroughly disrupted by his sisters choices and shenanigans and our desperate attempts to "help." It has not been fair to him at all, or us.I'm glad we followed his advice, but it was obviously a very rough time for us. So I don't know the "right" thing to do, but just wanted to throw our experience out there. No matter how it plays out, I hope that in some way this ultimately leads to Tornado seeing her need for rehab and starting it with serious intent.
Thank you Albie, it is good to come to this place of refuge and read the advice, helps to calm me and figure out my next steps.In the meantime, I'm so glad that you are reaching more of a steady state about the craziness of it all. We are all here to support you.
TL, I am glad your son is doing better. I have read some of my old responses to those who lament about adult children in jail. I am digesting it and remembering that I have looked at it as a possible remedy. So, that is what I am focusing on to ride out the initial shock of it.He learned how to survive.....has been in jail since and served a couple of months. He hates it, is bored and does not want to go back but him being in jail is by far not the worst thing for me. Hei s doing ok at the moment and I certainly prefer him doing better....but time and his own self will tell if he fully gets his act together and really becomes a productive member of society.
Thank you Wisernow. I so appreciate your story with your son. Not bailing her out is not tearing me apart. There is a tinge of "What will she think?" going on, which I have to squelch. That is old pattern talking. The truth is, that no matter what I do, it will never be enough for her. So, I am sitting with my feelings and sorting through them.You are doing the right thing. I too did not bail my son out although it tore me apart. After 30 days his dad finally did but only managed to deal with him for two days and then send him off to hospital for evaluation. It was a turning point for him and for us all. He was finally diagnosed correctly re his mental health; went to rehab to deal with his drug problem and moved into a group home where he has since started to rebuild his life. Sometimes the storm needs to hit to clear the path forward. Hugs for you and your family and hold strong. We are all here for you as you have been for us.
Mahalo nui Kalahou for sharing this. I think for now, I will pray as well, and be thankful.Each time I drove passed the corrections facility, I thought of him in there, so close yet so far. And I lifted prayers of thankfulness and for the goodness of the legal / corrections ohana helping him in ke ala pono, in the way he needed for himself. I decided to “trust the process.” He ended up being in the corrections center for 6 months, and he had up and downs (including getting hurt), but I think he hopefully learned it is not a place he wants to go back to live in.
"It's all good." Whatever happens, happens. I am not putting all of my eggs in one basket, having expectations for anything. Only time will tell what will be. I hope she will begin to understand her true potential, that life is not just one big party, that she needs to grow up.I will follow along and keep you in my heart and prayers through this. Tornado is still quite young, but she began this hard road at an early age, so has been on it a very long time. Maybe this will help her realize that time catches up with us all. Maybe she will come to realize an increasing need for ohana and reach out.
Mahalo ke akua. It’s all good, Tita. Bless.
Mahalo nui Tita. I just know that old “jump in the fire” mode will only get me burned, so I am trying to slow way down and take care of what I need. She did not call me, choosing to call her youngest sister, who has a toddler to care for. I might go your route. I have jumped through hoops for my daughter and am tired of the circus.but when the BIG arrest / more serious charges came, and the big $$ bail, and he could not get out, that really hit home.
Malama pono, dear.
Thank you LBL. I am so glad your son is doing well. I will look for your post.So hello!! I am here for youThe mom who not only let her kid sit in jail but had him arrested (he is kicking butt in rehab by the way, I will save that for another post).
Not too much turmoil, mostly determination. I am not cold and hard, but have been down this road way too long. Nothing I have said has gotten through to my two, not even the death of their father. Meth is such a life sucking drug. I think this is the only way my two will escape its grip on their brain. Forced. I read a bit about detox from it, it is hard. Rehab takes a long time, as the brain craves it for many 30.I felt the turmoil, anxiety and stress these theee little words caused for you. Oh how I felt every thump of the keys to engrain that decision not only here but etched in your heart.
Not easy, right isn’t always easy, often right is the hardest choice.
She actually called her younger sister, not Rain. I don't even know if she has a cell phone, but definitely would not have money to bail her out. The irony of her calling her youngest sister, who is making right may have been a way to get to me, without actually calling me. Who knows?And last note from me....she didn’t call you ....she called her sister....who is a homeless drug addict....but has a cell phone....the irony of that statement is not wasted on us here
Thank you LBL, it is wonderful to have so much support.Stay strong and know we are here with you and for you.
Thank you Copa, as do you. We all do, and so do our beloveds. They have to choose better.hang in there new leaf. You deserve way better.
I have been thinking this way, this morning. Let her sit with it for the time being.I think in this instance, keep going on about your life like this never happened. Do not help or contact her at all. Let her sister know this too so there is no mistake. She is 30 years old, it's either now or never that she starts changing her life.
Thank you Wish, for sharing your experience. It means a lot to me.I have no doubt in my mind she will want to reconnect with you again as mother and daughter in the future, but in order for that to happen, right now she needs to know that you are not having this mess.
I think we all have so much to offer one another and am so appreciative of the time you took to write out your suggestion from your own struggles. I am not having this mess. That is how I have been feeling, as I sort through this latest version of consequences. Stopping myself from that old moth to the flame reaction. I don't know about reconnection, it would take a lot of soul searching for Tornado, and staying off of drugs. I am not basing my life on how my two decide, borrowing from my Dads stoicism. I am not cold hearted, just been around the block with this for too many years. I have to be tough, for self preservation, as well as my sons sake. I have fallen into despair too many times over my twos choices. I don't want to go down that rabbit hole again.
I don't think you are wrong at all. Thank you.Of course, I could be all wrong, but it's the best that I can do. Sending big hugs your way.
Aw, Wish, no worries on grammar and typos. I think I got the gist of your post. I am glad that you shared from your heart. It helped me through my thought process. I hope your find your glasses. I use readers and have them all over the place!Gosh, as I re-read my replies, my grammar is terrible, just terrible! I have words in wrong places and everything. I am in a rush much of the time and to make it worst, I lost my glasses. It's hard for me to stare at computer screens (even with glasses). I apologize in advance and I hope despite my errors, you still understand what I meant to say.
Thank you all so much for taking the precious time out of your day to help me with your thoughts and kindness. It is such a relief to be able to sort this out with you guys.