I've seen alcohol and drugs destroy many people in my life. It is absolutely heartbreaking...I can't seem to find the words to explain my thoughts...I just want you to know that I know from the short time I've been coming here, how hard you've tried to help Ant. And, as you know, when it gets right down to it, there is absolutely nothing more you can do - It is up to Ant.
I am keeping Ant in my thoughts and prayers...I'm praying for you and Kaleb too...Ant is going to have lots of time to think when he is sober. I pray that this will finally be the time he realizes that although he is in for lots of hard work, he CAN turn his life around, that he and he alone, has the power to change for himself and for Kaleb, who needs his dad...
You are a very wise, loving and strong person. Kaleb is lucky to have you in his life. I pray that you're able to detach from Ant to the point that you can find joy in your life no matter what path Ant eventually decides to follow...
My eyes are watery writing this - I truly know from firsthand experience (an ex-SO) how hard it is to watch an alcoholic self-destruct. Sending lots of cyber hugs and praying for you, for Kaleb, for Ant...WFEN