Thinking of you Antsmom


Roll With It

I have been thinking of you and ant and Kaleb and your boyfriend. I am so thankful that you have a wonderful boyfriend to help you and ant. I can only imagine how hard this is on you, and on Kaleb.
Enjoy your time with K, hopefully one day soon his mama will realize he is better off with you, and she will let him stay with you.
We love you.



No real answers to life..
Saying prayers that ant has the chance to go to the new facility. Hoping that ant can behave in jail so the term is one year, not two. Thinking of you as you tend to Kaleb and hoping your grandson can have a good life....



Well-Known Member
I hope this will pass as quickly as possible, and that Ant will come out of it stronger. I'm sorry for your pain.


Active Member
thanks so much. this morning I was thinking that I can literally feel the support and prayers comforting me and allowing me to wake up and go on with the day.
ant called yesterday very glum. he is in the county jail in a room with four men. no beds, too full. since wednesday they are sitting on wooden benches, one toilet, no soap or toilet paper, one man throwing up the whole time. they each got a sandwich for lunch and one for dinner.

four times the night he went in, the nurses station called me as he was anxious and they wanted to know what medications have been RX for him. I told them he gets klonipin and a sleeping pill...trazadone. they will not give klonipin in jail and gave him ativan instead.

the misery begins for him and will not end any time soon. he said they gave him stained sox and boxers to put on under his jumpsuit. he is so unhappy. he is in lockup for 48 hrs as are all intakes. he knows he will be moved sometime to another facility but they dont know when. all places are crowded.

kaleb is an angel and keeps me hugged and cheers me up. I have just about cleaned up ant's apartment and will return the keys tomorrow am to the landlord.

kaleb mom called and wants him back today for some halloween thing. I dont want him to go. she and I will talk about that at noon.

meanwhile I am at work and glad to be busy. kaleb is at my sisters and she is having a good time with him this morning.

thanks again. the thoughts bring me peace.


New Member
Oh Janet,

I wish I knew what to say. I feel so sad for you. I'm glad Kaleb was there though, I think it helped you thru all this. Just remember, he is safe. I know that's not much, but I know with my oldest at least he will be safe. Hopefully stay out of trouble. That's my worry the most. Do you think Kaleb mom will let him come back after Halloween thing? I think he helps you thru this turmoil and will be good for you to have him near even just for a few more days.

Take care and remember you and your family are always in my prayers and thoughts.



Active Member
kaleb's mom is picking him up this afternoon. I do think he wants her as well. he cried on the phone when he heard her voice. she will play with him today and tomorrow will hand him over to the neighbor anyway while she bartends.

I am sure he will be back here soon.

have lots of stuff to organize and that will keep me busy I am sure.
sickening, but ant gave my home phone number to several girls, each must not know the other called. he wants them to write to him. he never gives up on the women. ugh.


New Member
~God has a plan~

Janet I know you have read my post of the blessings that have come from my son being in jail. Let go and let God work his plan.

My son is in county and sleeps on the floor. He says he only gets two meals sometimes, but he is changing for the better!!! He sees being there as a chance God has given him to change.
He is locked up most of the time, he has not been outside since his arrest~~~~but he spends his time learning and sharing with others.

There is so much hope for Ant!!! He is safe Janet. He has been given another chance to change, everyone is not given that.

I pray for you and him and this time that he has sober will change him




Ant's mom, may your strength once again see you through. It is amazing how they (difficult children) insult and literally seem to hate those who have "had their backs" for years. My son has cursed me, called me "idiot", pulled a knife on me and his brother, yet somehow expects to be fed, sheltered, and kept afloat financially. He would give his last nickel to nere'do well "friends" who are around him only to use him, yet he is angry when I refuse to subsidize his generosity to them. I hope Ant can someday acheieve sobriety and maturity, he may you know. Care for yourself and your grandson as best you can,


Active Member
every single time ant was in jail or Residential Treatment Center (RTC)... ( and he has been in some kind of facility since he was 16)he has seen the light, promised to mend his ways, apologized to all, tried to help encourage others in the same place he is, and read the Bible.

it is when he gets out that he reverts. he no longer is a drug user but he is truly an alcoholic womanizer. hope that gets old for him one day.


New Member
I've been thinking of you and yours, just haven't been able to post. I wish I could offer more, but you have my arms to hold you when you weep, my shoulder to lean on when you feel you can't stand on your own and as many hugs as you need.

Take care of you.