When a pet is your easy child and it's time comes


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Wow, 2m2r you've really been through the mill. I'm so sorry to hear all of that. Bless you for your willingness to show up for others..................many big hugs coming your way..............


Well-Known Member
I am so incredibly sorry. I am very attached to my furbabies.

All I an say is...I'm sad for you and maybe, from where he now is at, he will inspire you to rescue another dog when you are ready.


Well-Known Member
2m2r -- Oh, my.... I didn't know. You certainly have been through a lot. What inner strength you have! I think you're very, very wise to restrict contact. It's a sad thing. But even Superman has to stay away from kryptonite. And, remember, Superman isn't the only one who benefits from his continued strengths. No doubt there are many (bipeds and quadpeds) who benefit from your very large and wonderful heart.


Well-Known Member
To this day I hate so much that we took Bubba to the vet to have him put down. It was terrible and a terrible thing to do to him. He was in pain and miserable but he must have been so scared. I'll never do that again at a vet if I don't have to.