If I were you, I'd hope he'd quit using, and offer to help him if he comes to you asking for help in that, but keep yourself safe from him, no matter WHAT you think his diagnosis. is. He is almost an adult and soon he will be legal.
I agree with SWOT. It is up to him, in what he wants to do. It will be hard for him and you all, if he is still using, and this is not easy to tell, because drug users lie and manipulate. This sounds harsh, but it is true. If he chooses to use, no matter where you send him, it will affect his success.
I think Job Corps is a great option, but
he has to buy into it, and be ready for it.
Gangs are scary and vicious. They have a way of replacing family ties, with loyalty to the gang and it's activities. My eldest brought her street friends around our home, it put us into a whole new ball game of fear and wondering for
our safety.
I hope your son is not too entrenched with this gang. I would think the local authorities would have information for you about the gang, but this may be difficult, considering your unfortunate experience with the police chief. I know some areas have groups focused on gang awareness......At this point, any knowledge would help, it is important to know the risks for you and your household...... Now that I think of it, your older son may be able to give you some clues as well.
My daughter (doing well) just revealed some news to me about my eldest, and those she hung out with at 18 (she was troubled from 16). We were talking about her addiction, and the news of credit card theft.....My daughter said "Mom, she was involved with a gang at 18, doing the same things, she makes BAD choices, Mom, has been for a long time."
I think that there is a sense of loyalty between siblings, the whole,
don't tell thing.
Perhaps your older boy has some perspective for you?
Double, triple and quadruple hugs for you D C. This is all very troubling.....
I am glad you have come here to CD, there is a wealth of information from warrior moms and dads on this site. In the end, the choice on how you proceed, is yours. We just offer our thoughts and our own stories as examples and hope it will help guide you.
We all support your decisions, this is your life, your son.
You are not alone.