Rush, honey? You are not the guilty one, here. There is no guilty party. Your daughter has some problems that are so difficult for her to deal with that she still requires your help, that's all. What each of us is trying to do Rush, is to learn how to walk that really thin line between enabling the kids to continue as they are, and helping them to do better. This is the thing that is so unfair about that, Rush: Other parents never have to look this stuff in the face, ever. What we are are doing, that thing we learn to call enabling once the child gets stuck again, is normal parenting behavior. (That should have been underlined. Problems with the site, still. That's okay. Thank goodness it is here for us, at all.)
Now, where was I?
Oh. Rush? What we are all living through, learning through, trying to be healthy through, is impossible. There isn't any way to do what we are doing.
And yet, we do it.
We learn more about what choices we might make, we gather strength from one another, we learn from each of the other parents' stories...but there is no such thing as the situations we are all in being solely the result of enabling. You did not do this to your child. Your child needs more help than, right now, you know how to give her. Our purpose here on the site Rush, is to help you, and to help ourselves.
And really? Our purpose is to learn how to help our children if we can.
If this was easy, none of us would be here, Rush ~ especially the week before Christmas!
I know nothing is working, Rush. That happens to all of us. We all get so discouraged, we all try harder, try to learn a new thing, a new way of interacting, a new anything, anything at all. But we're the moms, Rush. (Some dads here, too.) We are the ones lying awake at night worrying that we might have missed some essential piece that will make it all right. We are the ones who swear never to do it again, and who love our own troubled children so much that our work suffers, our health suffers, our marriages suffer...and still, we have eyes only for the suffering of our children. Detaching has as much to do with forgiving ourselves, Rush, for not knowing how to help them as it does with blessing ourselves for everything we have done, and done well, and done again.
I think the most valuable thing I have learned through my time here is that I cannot save my child if I am not nurturing myself. I cannot model healthy behaviors for my child if I am not healthy, myself.
So that's like, two things.
Maybe it will help Rush, if you can present the February move as a positive thing. I don't know how you could do that? But I know that you can. Moms here (and dads, too) do impossible things, accomplish those things against impossible odds, all the time. We seldom give ourselves the praise and recognition any other parent would be bathed in because, with our kids?
It doesn't work.
That is not your failure, Rush.
It is just what happened.
difficult child daughter often seems not to want a vehicle, either. Maybe, that is for the best, right now. Are there buses in your town? If not, maybe you could be looking into a possible February placement for her in a town that does have buses.
I know you will figure all this out, Rush. That is what moms like us do. I just didn't want you feeling guilty for enabling or guilty for...well, for anything. What we are doing is so hard Rush, that we need every smallest bit of energy we possess just to make it through the day.
And the nights, as you know Rush, are worse.
Holding such a good thought for you and your daughter and family, Rush.
Merry, merry Christmas. The joy is there, if you create it for yourself for just a moment. The scent of those Christmas candles? Making me so happy, today. Bringing back memories of happier times. Little gifts like that Rush, things we purposely do for ourselves and then, take one little minute to enjoy...those are the things that will get us through. The way the sun looks today, the scent of the breeze. Any smallest thing, Rush. Give yourself that gift.
Or maybe?
A power nap.
Ha! I love power napping.