Malika, there is always hope. The problem seems to be that kids who suffer from abuse and extreme chaos in the first three years, and J. did not, learn as early as infancy that they only can trust themselves and their brain wiring changes. Since, as you said and you are right, nobody is 100% sure what it is and, more importantly, how to treat Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD), even going for help is not a guarantee. There are attachment clinics in the U. S. that have been shut down because the theory of "rebirthing" and restraining was proven abusive and a kid would get hurt. What to do?
Here comes my new son. He is 11. His birth mother almost killed him by feeding him water only. He had seizures, she left him with somebody and never returned, and the somebody called CPS.
Thus began his first rejection by birthmother, who didnt give him affection anyway, and he began a long list of uncaring homes in foster care, which kept rewiring his brain to only trust himself. He had been born with alcohol and drugs in his body already. Now this. He learned early to use fake hugs to maybe get a treat becsuse he didnt trust his caregivers and didnt want love. But he did want "stuff." So he learned early to fake love and also to steal. Too scary.
Along the way he was probably sexually abused. Before we adopted him, his caseworker told us that 99% of the older kids in our horrible foster care system are sexually abused.
Boy got angrier and angrier and, say, started killing frogs and punching kids and eventually forcing younger kids to have sex. It made him feel important and powerful. Somewhere in his five homes before us, he learned to hold a knife to a young child's throat and demand sex and to warn them that if they told on him, he'd burn their house down and kill them all.bTo the best of his recollection he was sexing on young kids, even babies, snd killing animals before age six. SIX!!!
Not one kid ever told on him in five homes. They were too afraid of him. He was as powerful as God to them...but in a devil's way (I am using religious analogy although I dont believe there is a devil...). The kids he lived with felt his body on theirs, the point of his knife, saw him strangling animals and setting fires. He also pooped and peeped all over. They saw. He made them watch him strangle the dog snd topd them they would be next if they told. They didnt tell. We thought maube an inlnown racist neighbor did it...three of my kids were black...and why would anyone strsngle our poor, brloved Prince? Guess who was smart enough to cry the hardest? This was the first thng he ever did that we saw, but we thought he was so us, he was. So we didnt suspect him. This time.
He learned that acting nice to adults made him seem harmless, if a bit slow. He was far from slow.
By age 11, we had a child who could not love, but knew how to act to adults and that he could and to terrify children. Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) symptoms in children are the symptoms of a psychpath. I heard this type of story over and over again from parents who had wanted to love an older child, to give him a chance to have a family. And it didn't normally work. Many were not quite as extreme as OPs boy or ours, but many were...and most were really bad experiences. Often the child himself left the afoptive home at 18 and went back to dysfunctional birth family. Many parents were so dog tired, they didnt care. They had done their best. The treatment isnt there, but the kids are also very often are a serious risk to society and need residential treatment. It is their last chance for help. Does it work?
I dont think it helped my kid, but it kept him from hurting others for a while and many professionals tried very hard to help him.
I hope he is no longer a sex offender since he has daughters now.
He has been in legal trouble. That I know. He is not working. It says unemployed on his Facebook page.
You tell me if there is hope because I truly don't know. I lean towards saying no, once a kid acts like this and is already five years old. But I think the older the child has gone without treatment, the worse it is. And if they sexually act out, they will not be allowed to live at home. This boy was actually tried in court for sexual abuse of a minor at age 13. The rule is you are tried if you acted out on a child six years younger than you, even if you are a child, so the county pressed charges and he was found guilty. He was then a registered sex offender.
I do not know if his name was removed from that list at a certain age like 18 or 21.
So can he be helped? I don't know. I'm afraid of him and hope he never finds us. I am not sure certain children who are this dangerous can ever be fixed, at least not yet.
Boy's diagnosis was severe reactive attachment disorder. That ended our adopting/foster care days. I do have three WONDERFUL adopted children who I would take a bullet for, but they all arrived as babies. I think it matters. I tell all prospective adoptive parents who ask me about it to adopt an infant. I warn people not to adopt older kids.
And that is my story, but I cant answer your question about if kids this dangerous can ever be saved. I would not take that chance again and dont advise anyone else to try it.