Scent of Cedar *
Well-Known Member
I could never get across what was happening to me. My folks just couldn't see it. My sibs were very good at putting up a united front. So, I would come in and go to my room and cry, I gave up telling, it didn't work. Dad, would talk with me about being stronger and I would swallow my tears, he would tease me into smiling. Then I would be sent outside again, to face my sibs. It was a vicious cycle.
"I could never get across what was happening to me."
"Dad would talk to me about being stronger and I would swallow my tears...."
"Then I would be sent outside again, to face my sibs. It was a vicious cycle."
I gave up telling, it didn't work.
What was happening, Leafy? Is it that your emotions were overwhelming and you needed your parents to help you learn to stay steady state in the face of them? Instead of encouraging you to "swallow" the overwhelming feelings. And to camoflage them beneath a smile.
I would not like that, either.
"Then I would be sent outside again, to face my sibs. It was a vicious cycle."
What would the sibs do, Leafy?
Would they hurt you, again?
Do you know why your parents allowed this?
That is it, I needed my Dad to protect me. Instead, I was cajoled into smiling, then sent out to the slaughter. How confusing.
Would it help you come to a place of mastery over the feelings if you were to create an artwork without words ~ with only color, Leafy? Something similar to Jackson Pollack's work ~ something that wordless and hurtful (or joyful).
Sometimes, there are no words.
Still, for us to feel a sense of mastery over our feelings, we need to become familiar with them, name and tame and come to appreciate them for the vehicle to our future selves they were and are. However messed up we feel about things today, it is those selfsame emotions and that selfsame self talk that brought us through it. Through whatever happened to us in our childhoods.
So there is nothing within us to be ashamed of or to feel badly about.
It was created ~ by us ~ to help us survive.
Now, we are coming in again to the places we cannot readily access to help ourselves reclaim those lonely parts of self.
Nothing to be afraid of, here.
Here, there is only us.
In another post Leafy, you wrote about a fearsome dog. About how, in reality, if one could learn how to see the dog with compassion, and were to come to know the dog, a union could be formed where only flashes of lightning and rumbles of thunder could be heard, far off at first and then, close and savage.
Well, okay. So, you didn't say that. I did. But you did post about a dog.
And here again, Dolly teaches us.
So, in approaching a terrified dog in the middle of the worst thunderstorm ever. How would we go about it?
We could shoot the dog.
We could cover ourselves with something waterproof and wear waterproof shoes too, that would protect us from lightning, and we could bring food onto the covered porch for the dog. Then, we could stand at the screen door and sing for her.
Maybe, she would come for the good, nourishing food we provided for her.
And then we would not be as afraid of her. And she would not be as afraid of us; she would wonder whether, like Dolly, she may have found her forever home.
And we would know how frightened she had been, and how alone, all of her life.
So, we would set out more food, the next day. Better food, this time. specially prepared, because now we know our fierce dog is only us. And that the name of her fierceness is loneliness and terror...but here we were, all along.
One day, the blue dog that represents our overwhelming emotions comes onto the porch.
We continue to sing.
Soon, we sit on the porch with her.
And the terrible storm is outside.
And we are inside, together.
And you assure the blue dog that the rain will come and the storm will end and the stars will rise, again.
But she doesn't believe you.
So, you sing and sing to her Leafy, the Song of the Stars.
As long as this takes, you will teach the fierce, beautiful blue dog she is safe, now.
I did talk with Hubs, and explained to him that I do have my own opinion and that just because I voice it, does not mean I am opposing him.
What if there were no opposition. What if our words that we chose had to stand alone. Because Leafy, in the hearts of those we love, our words are seeded and grow wild.
I am overstepping a boundary, maybe. But it is less what you said than what he heard. Listen, Leafy. What did he hear.
Is what he heard ~ are those the words you want to reverberate through his heart? Were the words strengthening and kind?
He grew up with an extremely abusive father. It is stuffed down in there in a tangled mess.
I am so sorry this happened. Even with my own parents and sibs, I am coming to understand (as Serenity had told me I would) that they cannot see another way to get their needs met than to do what they are doing. Blaming them for that, condemning myself for what I needed to do to survive and to try to pull a sense of self esteem out of what was left ~ I learned to see my bravery, instead.
Because we have had to be very brave, to have come into our adulthoods so poorly prepared for the way things work, Leafy.
We are still brave.
Like it is for us too, once we determine to heal, to create something different of ourselves and our lives, the chimera falls apart.
And there is only us, left.
Sobbing, and I let myself cry it out. I think it was the imagery of the little girl and the red balloon......
What little girl with a red balloon? association: Red Slippers, with all that imagery entails.
Maybe, you are telling yourself you are homeward bound at last, Leafy.
Steady State. Breathe. Be.
No. Rage; have the emotions, welcome them as yourself. There is no part of yourself that is not sacred.
Save the Child.
Save the little girl, floating the red balloon.
Are there words on the balloon? What does it mean to the little girl. It can float. She can not.
that is why they were able to get away with the horrible things they did.
What did they do to that little girl ~ the one with the red balloon.
Instead, I was cajoled into smiling, then sent out to the slaughter. How confusing.
How horrifying.
What does that mean, Leafy. "Slaughter". What in the world did they do to you?
To the little girl with the red balloon.
"Nothing's going to change my world."
Are you hearing this in defiance Leafy, or is it a desperate plea ~ something hopeless from the little girl with the red balloon. She is in your imagination, Leafy. She can escape now the prison created, then.
She can follow the balloon up into the sky and away Leafy, anytime.
If you let her rise with the balloon and if she were to look down from her safe position, what would she see when she saw you, Leafy?
Remember compassion, in this envisionment. Compassion, for the little girl with the red balloon.
The Sun will be very strong, up there. I put sunglasses on for her, and a red coat. Chilly, and the Wind is rising.
She loves it up there.
She is safe.
I was little, nothing could change my world. I was stuck.
I know.
But pain is raw energy, Leafy.
Reclaim that little girl, now.
Let the pain go. Let the overwhelming energy of it fuels the Universe, becoming just the energy someone else may use to win their battle. It is an endless exchange of energy, Leafy. You know this. You are not the sole guardian of emotions so intense you must protect the Universe from them. This is the stuff of Creation. Let them go, Leafy.
Into the vacuum will rush everything and more, to overflowing.
You could always do this.
It's just that no one told you you could.
We are our own Creators in that sense, Leafy.
Let the pain go.
Let wordless become wordless prayer.
You are here for a purpose, Leafy.
This material needs to be cleared.
It is amazing I am even here.
“Why do people say "grow some balls"? Balls are weak and sensitive. If you wanna be tough, grow a vagina. Those things can take a pounding.”
― Sheng Wang
Here is a private secret thing. I like them, very much.
The complexity in all of it, and how everything works, and the pleasure.
This makes sense, how it sticks......instead of forgiving the mistake, it is freaking analyzed a million times. Harsh.
This is the difference, it seems to me. These nuances of understanding are important for us to know, so that we can learn and put into practice in our own lives, healthier ways of thinking. For us, condemnation of self or other should be a key to take a minute and think. That is how we were taught to think about others, and about ourselves, in our grandiosity imbalanced families of origin.
Or whatever we have each been able to determine about the essential imbalance in his or her own FOO.
Mine seems to have to do with grandiosity. Each of yours may be something else. But I think that is what we are looking at, here. Some essential imbalance codified through rigidity in some misguided effort to protect the adult from ~ okay. So I lost that chain of thought. In any event, we can learn how to rethink our thoughts. We can learn how healthy people think about themselves, about their mistakes, about their successes, and become healthier in our own way we were taught to think.
Now, where was I going with this.
Okay. We internalize the feeling of mistake. Others, understanding their good intentions, analyze outcome. They are not afraid to try, again, and so they succeed.
That is the difference.
I like that conclusion. Good one, Cedar.
I think too, that even when they were not around, they were in my head.
Those voices are our negative tapes.
Preventing us from accessing ourselves.
Out they must go, Leafy.