Dad would coerce me into smiling, and when a forced little smile broke through my tear stained face and trembling lower lip, I was praised.
I love this imagery of the Father.
Coerce." So, you were not done being...what emotion, New Leaf?
Do you see it? A kaleidoscope of emotions, none of them wrong or right. Are you able to provide for yourself now the time and attention you required, then? I wonder whether it would be beneficial for you to light a candle in front of a mirror and watch over yourself as you cry or rage, or whatever the emotions are that come up.
When the candle burns down, the session for healing is over, for that day.
We ~ every one of us ~ need witness. To cry in front of someone else requires them to comfort us and creates all kinds of problems and resentments and so on. To cry for ourselves is to bless ourselves with endless compassion; may be, to witness, finally, for ourselves, the depth of our feelings and where they came from and what they mean and how to help ourselves, now.
"...I was praised."
I am missing something essential here, New Leaf. What am I missing? A loving father, comforting a crying child. A child who was not done crying ~ who needed more than her father, who loved her, could give.
Do you know what it was you needed then, New Leaf?
Are you able to provide what you needed then for yourself, today? Somehow, this connects to the husband and the closed door.
Validation is one word, but that is not
the word.
But I don't know any more about it than that. Other than to say that our relationships are living, dynamic things. We women set the emotional tone: Initially, in choosing the man (or woman) who will be our mate and then, every day for the duration of the relationship, in where we come to rest emotionally, thus determining the partner's response.
I am the only one who says that though, so I could definitely be all wet on this one.
But...what is it you would need from your mate, now. Why is the door closed. Would it not be possible for you to go there?
You are the woman.
Sexist or not, the world, his world, revolves around you. When it no longer revolves around you? He will be gone.
Just like in that Simon and Garfunkel song about slipping out the back, Jack.
So...why is the door closed? And how do you feel about that closed door and what is the negative tape telling you about yourself that you believe regarding the closed door.
Behind the closed door New Leaf, is a lonely human person.
A lonely human person, too.
I told my D H once how very sorry I was that these terrible things had happened to him, and to us, and to our children. I told him he was a good, decent man, and that I loved and respected and trusted him, and that out of all the people in the world, for us to have lost our family that we had, that for us to have seen our children become so horribly troubled, was something that never, ever should have happened to him, or to me, or to us.
Or to them.
To our children, whose futures were to be such bright trajectories.
To say those true things to my mate, to say those things to the man I loved and had grown up with and made our babies with (and with whom I watched helplessly as we lost our babies, our children, our so promising adolescents) broke through some barrier having to do with what my own husband and I felt about one another and our marriage and our lives together because of what had happened to our children.
That is all I know, about that.
We became two people again, instead of two failed parents.
It was mom and dad. I was supposed to be happy, no matter what.
The feeling state that I go to is unbalanced. Usually, when I hit these points, well the book I am reading talks of it as being over stimulated......I hibernate, I become a hermit.
I become this big ball of emotion, I cannot think straight. My judgement is out of whack. I am super sensitive and raw. I am trying to find words for this. You know how it is said that a fearing dog is more dangerous than an aggressive one? Maybe it is that, Cedar, that I am so raw and vulnerable that I.......don't trust my reactions to people. Not that I am some raving maniac. I over think, over feel, over react.
It is during this time it is best for me to be alone.
This is roughly paraphrased from Tolle's
The Power of Now.
Who is witnessing these overwhelming emotions, Leafy.
The real McCoy.
The feelings are feeling state/constructs. Someone taught you your emotions were overwhelming, that you were too weak to be who you are. It is like my mother telling me not to think, Leafy.
Like, my capacity to think was defective or something. I believed that for the longest time. I still believe it, I suppose. The difference for me as I have healed is that I don't have to be a perfect thinker anymore.
It's that perfectionism thing.
Like anyone could know how to be perfect themselves, let alone instruct anyone else in how to be perfection.
The whole thing is messed up, Leafy.
So, we are back to: Kinder.
Only that.
Over stimulated.... How does the Observer feel, Leafy? Have you heard the saying: Above the ravaged water where its reflection is shattered into a thousands cutting shards of light, the moon shines, unperturbed.
Okay, so I added a few words.
But you get the idea.
You are the moon, Leafy. Not the broken reflection.
That is the difference between how we perceive and what is.
It also is a part of me that breaks through every so often that is based solely on emotion. I can actually feel the switch go off in my brain. If I am able to have this time to myself, it is usually when I am the most creative.
There is some evidence that "genius" has to do with out of control focus.
If you are not able to have that time to yourself...why is that not a value. Why not a notebook kept ready to hand to catch the inspiration.
Some believe that is how God speaks.
That is why we have to maintain a pretty firm hold on our sanity. And on our intent. We may not have a map for where we are going, but we can know we are on the right path by how we proceed toward our intention.
No one can do this for us.
No one can take it from us.
It is ours, it is us, it must be honored for the wonder it is.
A private thing. Here again, if we do what we do for anyone but ourselves, then we are doing something other than what we set out to do. Thus, what we accomplish gets all distorted.
We need to keep a clear intention.
No one else gets to decide our value.
I keep a notebook and pen close, thoughts come soaring into my head in rhyme
Oh, okay. That's good, then.
Do you work with them, try to learn their essences?
Remember Copa's Camus quote.
I am dreaming of having my own studio one day, and throwing myself into my art.
That is my goal.
The artist I work for did that. Created herself out of nothing. Created herself in spite of everything that told her she could not. She has become very strong. She was ridiculed. Hated, for daring to think herself better than she was taught to believe she was.
So, there is that. You will need to be very strong Leafy, to create yourself of yourself.
But you can do it.
You have to be willing to work alone, and very hard. To the point that your art becomes so much a part of you that what another says about it or you or anything doesn't matter.
So, that would be internal locus of control.