what happens to us is to some extent a product of our own perceptions...how we interpret the events in which we are a part or those we witness.
This is true, Copa. But who taught us how to see? What did they teach us to see, and from whose perspective. Why and how did we come to see ourselves through their eyes instead of seeing them through our own. Did this happen because we knew then about them and could not face it? So we took what control we could, for our own safety? Naming ourselves because to name them
would be to lose every smallest vestige of (utterly imaginary) control.
I can't figure out why I think I love them, Copa.
Why would I.
Nietzsche is all wet on "We love because love came first."
I have decided that.
But I don't know why.
we can choose to re-think events we experienced at 4, through adult eyes.
you see, I believe that we have control and responsibility to decide we are wrong. that because we perceived something, at 4, does not mean we must believe and live by it at 60. to rethink our lives, is not to accept blame or responsibility for our circumstances at 4 years old. it is only to say that now that i have greater capacity and potential i can choose differently. joseph chose to live as if he had all of the power in his hands at 20, 30, 40 whatever. he chose to not settle scores of a 4 year old. because to have done so, would diminish him.
"Joseph chose...." That is my question, Copa. How did Joseph...how could he even see that reality. It could be that in believing himself beloved of God, he could respect himself and cherish himself in God's image whatever some human said about him. I am still enslaved in a sense, Copa. I can feel it. That will be the next healing, then.
It always begins with curiosity.
We have learned so much from Joseph. I had no idea there was a drama going on with two sisters and one man.
Misogyny, again.
I feel badly for the older sister, forced into allowing a man she did not want to sleep with her whenever he said; forced to make her babies with a man she didn't want. And I know it was a desert tribe and so on, but yuck.
Maybe, she was happy just to have her life and her child.
But yuck.
No one ever writes about Rachel or Sarah or The Mary.
"I believe we have control and responsibility to decide we are wrong."
I agree with you here Copa, but for me ~ and I think maybe this is true for anyone, child or adult, who has been through something traumatic ~
I could not see that what my mother or my sister were doing in present day life was wrong. It was a variation on knowing it was wrong for her to kick our dog but not knowing it was wrong for her to kick me. Wrong things kept happening ~ just as they did during the luncheon you planned for your sister, and as they did somehow go so horribly wrong throughout your mother's illness.
And as they are going so horribly wrong now for me, in this time in my mother's life. And the time will be irreplacably gone.
And we know it, but somehow, we blame ourselves. (As is happening to me now, again. As I come into new balance, still questioning the validity of the old belief system. Still wondering who is the Liar, here. And learning it was me, in having deceived myself so totally that I could believe anything about them but what I knew. So what then of forgiveness or mercy?)
We stop thinking. (Slip into denial.)
Acknowledging the ugliness of reality, we choose kindness as a defiant act. Here is the question: Why victimize ourselves to do that. Maybe, we are trapped still, but in a higher circle of Dante's Hell. We know now that it is our own thinking that created the parameters of our realities. But how to create freedom from that mindset of kindness which is the mindset of the willing victim.
We have posted at length here about the abusive mother who reaches out from the grave to do what harm she can.
And yet, we are taken by surprise.
We try harder. (Plan our actions and responses more carefully. Additional care to the sister.) My mother never required additional care. I was exquisitely on her wavelength. I know this is wrong, but I don't think this is wrong. I miss seeing my mother very much. D H reminds me this (the situation that now exists) is not my choice.
And when he does, I feel sadness, and a little sting of shame. How could they not want me. And if we had not done our work here, I would not know anything but that. I am somehow still in love with my Family of Origin. This would have to do with needing their approval in order to love myself.
Well, good, eye-rolling luck with that one.
("What would Cedar do?" Har-de-har-har.)
And I knew then. I knew, when first my mother and then, my sister, told me how funny that phrase was to them, and how they laughed and laughed.
When my mother told me she found it amusing that my sister and myself were jealous over her, each trying to outdo the other. And I wondered very seriously whether I was jealous, and whether that was the problem, had been the problem all along.
I didn't let myself know that I knew then that the shun was well on its way.
But I did know.
Somehow, in my secret heart, I wish for them. I think often of the dynamic of the shun. It is a cold fire, but the only one I have.
It is enough, and more than enough, to know that, in essence, I am alone. Therefore, no harm in loving them any way I want to. If they should re-appear in my life, then, as D H says, I will need to be wise and wary.
Why doesn't matter.
They are who they are.
But I need words to know how to see myself in reference to people who never loved me.
Why is it that I cannot just accept that.
What I have learned, how I have learned to survive them is...is alright. the temptation is to accuse myself of weakness, or foolishness (or romanticism, which is my mother's word for describing me, when she is being kind about the way she feels about me). In other words, when she is trying to impress someone she is talking to me about.
Your family labeled you sensitive, Leafy. Mine labeled me foolish in private talk, romantic in public.
None of us is one thing all the time. Life is a symphony. We know that k=now because we have lived a long time. But how sad, to have gone into the world believing their interpretations of us. It probably really is true then that whatever we were taught was wrong with us is our strength, and is an honorable way to be.
What lives in their eyes has nothing to do with me. That is why the story about the lady driver stayed with me. This is who they are. They do it to everyone.
Given my vulnerability of romanticizing them, what would be a winning position for me in that circle.
I don't know.
We blinder our vision and lay open what's left of our hearts, believing, because we are in denial, that they love us. From that erroneous knowledge, we extrapolate quick as lightning that whatever is happening now, things will get better momentarily.
This is the flavor of Copa's concept that she taught us about: Dissonance.
We watch open mouthed as the little girls take their second and third spins around the table. Until even they are embarrassed, while the sister keeps cheering them on until the time and the dinner are ruined.
Who would judge a child.
Bad Cedar.
My sister recently posted her grand on FB. The grand, now five, screams the names of the Presidents upon command. Or, she screams the Pledge of Allegiance, her face very red, while my sister laughs, behind the camera.
And then, she posted that on FB.
I think she either does not see the child's anger, or does not value the child enough to care.
Bad Cedar, to think such things.
Maybe, I am jealous, as my mother suggests.
I don't know.
Add the story of any of the visits with my sister I have described ~ add the high anxiety I experience during any contact with my mother. I am not sure why that happens. Why is it we cannot see and take their games apart without having to judge them by what they are so right in front of us doing.
We are the perfect victims.
Leafy...in your interactions with your sister, it will be best for you not to run away. Not physically, and not in your imaginings, either.
Sometimes, the scenery is not beautiful. In creating the beauty we see around us in the midst of some terrible something we do not understand, we are slipping into denial. If we see that, then we can choose for ourselves whether to go into denial or to see them as they are.
Okay you guys. That is why we do it. So we will not see their nakedness.
Isn't there something in the story of Joseph about the father's nakedness. And the daughter cover the father's nakedness.
But I think the father slept with them, first.
That might not have been Joseph.
These are not very nice or decent people, these people who are pleasured by their entrapment of others. Of us, of lady drivers, of their own grands.
What would happen Leafy if you stayed present. No running off to cry. If you intend to cry, sit there and do it. Better still, stay altogether present. Crying means you lose, Leafy. It means we have gone inside. It means we have deserted ourselves, acknowledging and acceding to their reality, deserting ourselves to do so. We are hearing echoes of their lies that we believed were true of ourselves. It is a form of defense. Running away to cry ~ I think this might be a key for you. Not only are you crying (buying into the you are too sensitive buck up Leafy), but you are doubly excluding (doubly damning?) yourself by running into the woods or to your room or somewhere, anywhere, but where they are.
You could cry forever Leafy, about what they did or did not do, but the only thing that will be remembered is that you self-isolated. First with tears and then, by turning away.
In that you believed them over yourself, they win.
Stop crying, Leafy.
Stand up. No anger. No any emotion they can shame you with in front of yourself. You do not require their validation.
You do not require their validation, New Leaf.
Somehow, you need to change that dynamic in your own story to yourself of who you are. I need to do that, too. And I don't know how to do it, either.
But I never cry in front of them, or anyone. That is my F you. And I mean it with all my heart. Like some Energizer bunny, I keep believing we can do this. But if the Energizer bunny saw them as they are, these people she believes she loves, she would gather her belongings (the places where she belongs ~ those are her belongings) into a ball of material that contained everything she needs.
Navigating by the stars because there is nothing else, she falls into something wondrous: That she is; and that is miracle enough. Suddenly, she is free, following stars and listening to symphonies playing out in the spaces between them.
Fully present, she is curious. From this place Leafy when you reach it, you will create. Not in defiance of them, but in celebration of the wonder of your own, beautiful life that is finally yours, as it should have been, all along.
I wonder if we will miss them, once we arrive at that place.
Our response to most every question, in that time, will be: "I don't know."
We will never have to have all the answers, again.
Who taught you to do that, Leafy. To cry, turning rage at them, rage at what was happening to you, onto yourself.
Who did that. Ultimately of course, it was you. But who twisted that little girl that you were into believing that funhouse mirror reality?
Who taught you to disappear in plain sight, Leafy? What did they gain. What did you lose. How did your habitual actions ~ and these people are clever ~ grease the wheels and tilt the family toward replaying the original dysfunction?
Think of my sister, replaying the dysfunction in my home, or on vacation in my beautiful place where I was (and was paying for), or following my daughter so closely to encourage and then, shun and hurt her? (Just for the record, you guys, my daughter is not me. Once she began to heal from the beating, she addressed the situation in the same venue where it originally occurred, putting my sister in place beautifully, gracefully, and probably, forever.)
And then, she called me crying to confess it. She was so sure I would be angry that she had done what she had done to my sister. How messed up is that, you guys. But I was proud of her. I am very proud of my daughter (and my son) in general. I just wish they would get with the program. And I think, now that I am able to take a minute and think straight at all when they are in trouble (thanks to detachment theory parenting, and to all the parents here) that the kids are breaking through into alright.
Or maybe, they are just growing up.
I like them, alot.
But I really am beginning to see my sister as all corrupt.
Which seems wrong (Bad Cedar).
Who does that?!? Right? That is what we ask ourselves. The question we need to ask is how it is we are blind to it. That is why I did not like to hear that you cry because you are too sensitive, Leafy ~ more sensitive than anyone. Because there was no joy in the claim of it for you. It wasn't "I am so delightfully sensitive to the nuances of wind and light and fire." It was: I am too sensitivity. Because there was no satisfaction, but there was a kind of denial ~ deep and savage ~ in the defiant way you claimed sensitivity as your sole truth, as the only thing about you that mattered.
You matter.
Sensitivity is a part of what is human. It is not the whole ball of wax. It is not something that should find you crying alone in a darkened room. It is not something by which you identify yourself as weaker or wrong and them as stronger, and therefore, correct in their interpretation of your reality.
For you.
Spit them out, Leafy.
Either they were innocently wrong or they intentionally lied. Why does not matter. Reclaiming yourself with no shame for anything about you
or for anything that has happened to you. That is what this time is about, for all of us, here on FOO Chronicles.
My daughter says: "This is my path, Mom. Don't worry. I don't understand it, but I am living it and I would not change any of it."
So I drag myself along behind her (or when it was my son in danger, behind him), forever croaking out some version of "Don't do that."
But they seem fine with what they've done.
So, how do you like that.
That is how I would like you to see the incident with the man and the years that followed, New Leaf.
And I know that is somehow very healthy, but I am not there, yet.
Did you know I read a book once in which the virgins took their own virginities using stone phalluses.
I always did like that story, and that idea.
Men have forever taken control of those things that are exclusively the province of women.
It's in how you see it, Leafy.
Stop seeing in that old way.
Back to sensitivity.
Then, you were beating yourself up for it, using it to hurt yourself further because you had not become a famous artist or a writer or a musician. When in fact, you have done all those things. Just not with an intense enough focus to have received outside world approbation. Independent judgment of your talent would justify your sensitivity to FOO.
See the circle, New Leaf?
No way you could win.
You are more than your sensitivity.
You were beating yourself up because you had not disciplined your sensitivity enough to save yourself ~ to justify your existence (!) here in your wonderful life that is yours that you are living.
In their eyes.
How extraordinary, and how awful, Leafy.
For you, and for me and Copa too, because of course I saw the value of my life too, through their eyes and not my own.
I was so fixated on that Family Dinner.
I don't know whether I really love anyone, but it feels like I do. I know I regret the time lost, the years I have not seen them, the stupidity of what feels like why they do what they do and what they won. And I just don't get the value of the win, but it seems like something hurtful to me.
I see that I have no power to change it, unless I change myself into someone I literally cannot be. Like them. And even that would not do it. But even if it were, I can't do it. Not at the level of holding a lady driver in contempt or etc. Probably for me too there is a level.
So, there's that.
The thing with our Families of Origin is that it is a slippery moral slope. One day, you say nothing about the exclusion of a sib. The next, you are standing in the driveway rolling your eyes at the shamed elderly lady driver right along with the rest of them. And telling her that, though she has spent that first night after the long drive in your house in past years, this year, there is no room.
And no dinner.
And somehow, my FOO found that lady's predicament funny and worth many eye rolls back and forth behind her back.
Okay. So, this is like the kicking the dog dichotomy, if that's the word I want. I know what they did was wrong. I know I feel so badly for the lady driver.
But I don't hate them for the pointless evil of what they do.
I only know, like I did about our dog, that what was done was wrong.
Somewhere in here is why I label myself coward.
A moral slippage on my part, not to have hurt her back.
Maybe, we are slipping into matricide territory, again.
I don't know why they do these kinds of things. I only know I used to do them, too. Of course I must have. I would have expected such treatment myself, and wouldn't have known any better than to dish it out to others.
But now, I cannot. I am sure I do a million other wrong things, but not that one.
Copa's Sleeping Beauty Kiss, and falling in love with my children and through them, with myself, changed everything for me.
How fortunate are we, in that.
I dreamed last night that I was trying to get here to erase the things I have posted about my sister. I was trying to drive in the old sedan that came out of the sand beneath the ocean. Interestingly enough, the things I have posted about my mother were just what they are. My mother knows too what she did.
But I felt badly about having posted as I have about my sister.
This has to do with protecting her. That was my ~ I don't know. I just always protected my sister, always gave her time, always was open to her.
So, I see that I am afraid of my sister.
Nothing else could explain these feelings, given what I now know about what she has done and who she is.
I know that part of it is that if I were to say to my sister the things I have learned here...for sure, she would start to scream-cry.
She must have done so too as a child.
My mother or father would have responded first to the scream-crying child.
This is a true dynamic. I feel it in my bones.
Shocked surprise at the scream-crying sister.
My sister does this as an adult, too.
She did it when I insisted that she not exclude my brother. She did it on her last phone call to me when she expected that, after a certain number of shunned months, I would have returned to kind self.
But I hadn't, because we have worked very hard here, and I am no longer kind.
Not to her, and not to anyone like her.
And then, to silent cry, where I am supposed to listen for a long time to someone struggling to hold back her tears because she is so hurt and shocked ~ let's not forget shocked ~ at my accusation or demand. (Like, if our mother will not contact our brother monthly while she is staying with you to let him know she is alright, then you need to.)
Sort of like, two wrongs do not make something right. Do your part to set this right. Mom doesn't even have to know.
It was that directive, and the fact that I would not bend on it, that sent my sister blasting into the stratosphere (of course). That is when my sister told me she walks with the Lord and etc. Which I have posted about before.
She scream-cries when there is a witness. If we are alone, she watches me watch her eyes fill with tears.
How could she possibly treat me so coldly and love me.
Ouch, for Cedar.
(What would Cedar do? Har-de-har-har-har.)
So, what is happening to me with this dreaming I am doing lately is that my internals are trying to go back to the old, comfortable ways of seeing. I am like everyone. I would like to be loved. It would mean so much to me, to be loved. But I am not. Not by them; not by them at all in any smallest sense of the generosity and joy that is what loving is, all parties growing.
It is the same thing I think Leafy as what you do when you post beautiful pictures of lighthouses.
Guidance to the place we are determined to go.
Good for you, Leafy.
I am not criticizing the lighthouse pictures. I am noting your process as I see it.
Comparing it to my own.
So, that would be why I love that imagery of the stars, and of the dung beetle, especially.
Everything that matters to her, she protects and carries with her, navigating by the stars, the ball of dung turning to compost over time and once her babies are hatched, all of them busily making more compost and enriching the Earth.
She is alone, without her sister and mother, like me.
But she is fine, navigating by the stars.
I cannot imagine how I could have believed these terrible things about my own people but then ~ my people are bad people. Very mean. Cruel. Their choices of victim exquisitely thought out. No mercy.
No mercy.
That is the difference then, between them and me.
The quality of Mercy is not strain'd
It falleth as the gentle rain from Heav'n
Upon the place beneath.
It is twice blest;
It blesseth him that gives and him
that takes.
"Tis Mightiest in the Mighty.
So, that's Shakespeare, of course. One of my favorite things. I find surcease, there. In the green, and in the rain....
Like you do Leafy, with the imagery of the Lighthouse.
Or, like Copa does in the passionate reclamation of self that is Tango.
Or like I did, with the pain that echoes the music that becomes the exquisitely precise language of bone and muscle and will that is ballet.
In a disjointed fashion, I could write here about what did happen, with my mother or my sister, or with both of them together. But it is like there are blank spots in the story. Places where nothing makes sense.
They just hang there, these incidents, like trauma.
So, I must have been traumatized.
As an adult.
I wonder why we believe we are so tough, just because we are no longer growing.
My heart is more tender and open now than ever in my life ~ other than with my babies.
It was all so blatantly nasty
Copa, could it be that this is what happened to you? That in being away from them, your heart was opened. In your openness, you became vulnerable to them in a way impossible for you as a child. That plays into this for us, Copa. Having fallen in love with our children left us vulnerable to our families in ways we had never allowed ourselves to be vulnerable as children.
That is in here, I just know it.
Connected, for me, to vengeance.
Therefore, to its opposite: forgiveness.
And that is how they got in.
It is best to remember. It seems I have a tendency to want this ugliness not to be my story. So, I just take the ugliness out. I turn it into something else.
That is where they feed.
I will find other people to love...but I cannot, of course, because I do not trust.
So, I will just be an observer, then.
But I don't know how to think of them, or how to see myself free of regret.
How is it that they could know me, and never once have loved me.
That is what we are all still doing here, I suppose. Learning how they see, and learning how they see us.
Still it doesn't feel very nice.
So...the dung beetle navigating by the stars. (You guys. We must have finally have learned to cherish the whore washing her feet in the sun. With that cheap flashing neon sign, "Girls! Girls! Girls!" I love her for her courage. Love the Sun, there in that imagery. Hot. Burning. Explosive ~ and she maintains her composure, caring for and cherishing herself.)
I love that imagery so much, too.
So, now we are a dung beetle, everything that matters to us our own and well fed and well protected, and we are navigating by the stars. But...where are we going? There is nothing we need. We carry it with us. There is nowhere to go or not to go. We are following the stars. But really, we are already where we are.
Those stars, those lighthouses...Copa. What is your imagery. It would be in the fire and flare and passion of Tango. Just that color of more red than orange, the skirt flaring and flaming around you. I always did see you that way Copa, do you remember? The Latina on the motorcycle, on the Harley Davidson, in the Sun.
No helmet.
No fear.