Late to the party, but once again great advice from the board. I read this post on the first day and wanted to type a well thought out answer but found it impossible to do so from my (stupid at times) "smart" phone. I was actually musing over a similar situation. I came back intending to post and instead realized I didn't need to do so. It was really inspiring to read the answers and see the enlightenment you gained and as well as your own progression in thoughts. Thank you so much!!!
Still clueless as to how we mamas need or seek permission/approval from our difficult child's ... when it's painfully obvious that they have NEVER sought our permission or worried about our feelings. I too get stuck in the cycle of "the less he cares...the more I care..." and I am working really hard on calling a HALT! I think it must be some sort of primal motherly thing - the same instinct that would take food from our mouths rather than let them go hungry...
I am making plans for Spring Break as I type...not going to worry that it falls over Easter and difficult child won't be there to celebrate with us. It's not like he is practicing our faith...why should he care.
It's our last spring break with easy child 2 - as he heads to college next year. Our as H likes to call it - our last spring break on the sofa bed (we stay with my mom) as we finally get to reclaim the guest room in 2013! (easy child 3 will get the sofa bed)
Still clueless as to how we mamas need or seek permission/approval from our difficult child's ... when it's painfully obvious that they have NEVER sought our permission or worried about our feelings. I too get stuck in the cycle of "the less he cares...the more I care..." and I am working really hard on calling a HALT! I think it must be some sort of primal motherly thing - the same instinct that would take food from our mouths rather than let them go hungry...
I am making plans for Spring Break as I type...not going to worry that it falls over Easter and difficult child won't be there to celebrate with us. It's not like he is practicing our faith...why should he care.
It's our last spring break with easy child 2 - as he heads to college next year. Our as H likes to call it - our last spring break on the sofa bed (we stay with my mom) as we finally get to reclaim the guest room in 2013! (easy child 3 will get the sofa bed)