You are all the best. Seriously. I don't know how I would keep my sanity if it wasn't for this place to land...
Lovemysons - thank you so much for sharing your story with me - that meant a LOT to me!
I feel a lot better today. difficult child still hasn't bothered to contact me and I am practicing letting go. Obviously, this is what she wants. So, I am not going to stress about her plans. She has been posting on Facebook so I know she is fine.
husband says he does feel differently about Christmas and says she can come over and spend some time with us
if she can be respectful and go back to her place after.
husband offered a different option for TD. He wants to go to the casino for the day and let me have a Thanksgiving here with the kids. I don't want that. He is a major source of my happiness and he is the one I want to be with the most. My plan is to volunteer serving at the church and then come home and spend the rest of the day with my boys. If difficult child should call or want to see me, she can come volunteer with me and then I will bring her home.
Christmas night we usually go to the movies. difficult child can come have dinner with us and then go to the movie before we bring her home. I know for a fact we cannot spend an entire day with her or it will be disaster. The movie theater is a great option - no talking...
So, it feels good to have a plan.

Though, I am still so not in the holiday spirit this year.........