My heart is heavy reading all of the posts here. There is a special place in heaven for us parents who are dealing with the heartbreak and pain of loving our difficult child's and enduring the stress and sadness it puts on our Authentic Self. Massages, steam baths and facials to us all. (....and tropical vacations) My story comes to you in an attempt to be supportive and just share.
My son is Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) (not otherwise specified) among other things (leans to the Aspie side),and has gotten away with soooooo much in his young life due to my enabling him. It has at times gotten to the point where I am afraid of him and won't punish him due to the reaction and possible harm it will bring. I constantly tell myself, "oh he's my child, he loves me too much to physically harm me or others...." "That is just not possible"...not my child...there is too much love here for this to happen................. He's 12, puberty has set in, he's cussing around me with no hesitation even though I've attempted to punish him for doing so. He has no problem with announcing to me that he has a "Boner". His bursts of anger are better with his medications., but are consistently being tweaked as he grows. In the past he has head-butted, pushed, and punched me, put holes in our walls with fists, elbows, and head. "He'll grow out of it" I keep telling myself. I mean, I was a difficult child once....
Yes, I was a difficult child once too. ....but I was special. I had sex for the first time at 17 with a married man 20 plus years older than me, and when I was 14 there was that man visiting my grandmothers house who took me rides in his van, where we did things....(there were more like this through the years) I must be really special! Wow look at how interested these men are in me. Then later I would cry about how awful I felt about myself and how horrible I was to do these things. I had all this inner dialog about how awful I was to entice these men into doing to me what they did. I blamed myself. Did it stop me? No. Well, it took me a loooooong time to realize that I wasn't special to these men and that it wasn't all my fault. I married one of them after he left his wife and kids when I was 24. My parents, (happily married) never had to pick me up, I was too good at sneaking. My parents never had a clue what I was doing all those times. BECAUSE I CARED ABOUT WHAT MY PARENTS THOUGHT OF ME.
20 years later I'm still married to the man who left his wife and kids. I constantly struggle with blaming myself for the way my difficult child is and for how I've turned out. After all, it serves me right. I am an addict now, overweight, depressed.... all of the things that I wasn't or could never imagine being.
OK, I suppose I'm doing more gutt=spilling here than anything else, but why is it that the difficult child's that we love so much, trample all over our hearts? I did bad, bad, things as a difficult child, and as was said in a previous post, am lucky I survived a lot of it. BUT, I would never have physically harmed my mother or be abusive to her in any way!! I certainly wasn't sharing my sex life! There's no filter with these kids!!!!
The sad truth to my story is that I allow people to take advantage of me. I allowed men to take advantage of me because it made me feel important, wanted, unique. I thought it was LOVE, I thought I was special. I'm now allowing my son to do the same when I allow him to emotionally or physically abuse me without punishment.