Despite that we did have a break through from him, though it's far from encouraging. He finally came out and admitted that even though in his mind he knew that we, as parents, had to be the boss that he couldn't stand it. He can't stand having anyone be in charge of him or have any power over him. And... he's not willing to work on that in therapy. He doesn't think this will effect him one bit when he begins working, out in the real world, etc. It's impossible to reason with him. He feels he's all grown up, can make all the right decisions, and should be allowed to do whatever he wishes.
Smallworld and Sara are right about the medications, of course. They know their stuff. But, some of this could also be typical teen stuff (typical teen, teen tyrant..however you want to look at it

I see this with my son, who is 16. Drives me up the freakin' wall. We had it out one night a few weeks ago and he said something along the lines of, 'If someone is being 'unreasonable' (in his mind, mind you), I'm going to let them know and it doesn't matter if it's a boss, teacher, parent, whatever.' I told him good luck holding a job then and to be prepared to work minimum wage for the rest of his life.
2 days later he was filling out an online application for Kroger and there are about 33 pages of personality questions. One of the questions was along the lines of, I have problems taking direction from people in authority. He answered, "Strongly Disagree" and I laughed out loud and asked him about his comment earlier in the week. He said he thought about it and realized it wasn't such a good idea.
My point is, that it can be indicative of something bigger at play, such as medication reactions and/or mania. But some of it is probably typical teen behavior. Parents of difficult child's get the fun job of trying to distinguish between the two. My son was able to listen to me and - even though it took a couple of days - think rationally about it. That's how I know it's typical teen stuff. If your son is in a manic episode, that won't happen (being able to think rationally about it) and that's difficult child stuff.
Fun, fun, fun!