Hi and huge hugs. This has certainly been a terribly emotional week for you, and I'm always sorry to hear when any one of our kids have gotten to this point. Whether the gesture was intentional with attention seeking behaviors or something that arouse out of desperation and depression, no one can say for sure. What we can say for certain is that no parent here could look another in the eye in the same given situation and not rush to save their child. Without a doubt we're hard-wired to save life.
I really wish I did not have so much experience with suicide, suicide attempts and actual deaths resulting from suicides in my life. Sadly, no matter how many times there is an attempt or a threat? Each one IS different. Suicides should always be taken in a serious manner. If they are not? Each time there is a threat? The person who threatens gets the idea that it could be a game, or that they have to up the ante (so to speak) and it's that kind of 'Russian roulette' that can often times end in a true unmeaning tragedy while someone was just trying to prove a point, never meaning to completely go through with the actual act. However to continually sit and beg someone or not know how to handle someone who is manipulating others can be just as dangerous. What you did? Calling 911 and showing your daughter that IF she attempts to take her life - authorities will be called - was the ABSOLUTE correct thing. I'm not sure if where you live you can ask the police to 'file' a written police report to keep on file about the incident (you may have to go to the police station and hand write one up yourself) but it would be a good idea to keep on file should this occur again AND you possibly need to ask a family court judge to "baker act" her.
The report from this incident would be on file and could show a judge that she did try to harm herself. Should she try to attempt suicide again? This incident would serve as a paper-trail in deciding to help a judge lock her up and get medical treatment for 72 hours in the future. (maybe)
As far as any other advice? Well I'm sure others have suggested the obvious -
Get the locks and key codes changed
Get security lights and cameras or something like ADT security installed
Make sure the locks on your windows cant be opened by sliding a credit card through the window - perhpas window lock -locks.
Make sure dog doors can't be accessed
Alert neighbors that no one is to be home and give your cell phone number if they see suspicious or unusual cars in your driveway to call you any time
Install security lights and motion lights
Get locking gas caps
Timer lights for the inside of the house - change often
Last but by NO means least ------you and husband find a good therapist and get some relief to know that YOU ARE NOT NUTS. I mean - Df and I went for years because of Dude and it was a life saver. Who else in this whole world is going to be able to listen to the madness that is OUR lives and either not crack up or walk away (okay run) screaming - but really give you some ideas on how to level the playing field and cope with this insanity? No shame in knowing how to at least hold your own. And as far as you? Go on your own once a week and just have a BLOW IT OUT YOUR MOM-sense hour ------it's SOOOOOO freeing. It's like - men internalize things----and go hunt, or play handball or tennis or whatever.......Women ------WE talk. And when we can't talk about crazyworld? We blow up. So when you talk to a therapist - ESPECIALLY one that has great things to have you work on yourself each week? OMG it's wonderful. I'd leave and feel so great - I'd get Dunkin doughnuts coffee -------and feel like a new woman.
With regards to the AA Alanon thing? Well ----I'll say this and butt out. I've been to them all. AA, CA, NA, Alanon, and I actually got MORE out of the NA and CA meetings than I did any of the Alanon meetings. Why? The Alanon meetings for me personally were a lot of other people who were so miserable and upset about their loved ones or their lost loved ones and it was basically a support/B group. B being the Witch kind of B. Granted this was like 20 some years ago because x was so bad into any and all kinds of drugs and alcohol. So I started going to NA and CA (narcotics and cocaine anonymous) and the people in there were recovering addicts who told it to others (me) like it was from a drug addicts point of view. What bugged them about straight people when they were high, what didn't, what helped, what didn't.......what they wished someone had done....stuff like that. What TO do, not TO do. It was awful, and great.....and some of the stories I heard about childhood on up ------amazing, sad....but I never heard one poor me song. It was all - I need this - I want this - sobriety. So I found it more of an uplifting time than Alanon.
Just my 04 cents worth......and not that you need to go to any of them.......or that any of them would be good or bad or whatever.......it's just what worked for me. Hitting my knees at night seemed ultimately to work the best in the end more than anything. Sure you're doing plenty of that.
When it's all said and done? You're going to do what YOU feel is the right move for your kid -----based on your experiences, your history, and your heart. Sometimes you're going to be right, sometimes you're going to be wrong, and sometimes you're going to just get lucky - and the kid works it out for themselves and leaves you out of it. That's parenting.....
Hugs & Love