I have a confession to make.
You may have guessed this by my "worst case scenario/catastrophizing" post...but I now realize I DO TEND TO THINK OF HIM AS AN INCOMPETENT CHILD.
There. I admit it.
Intellectually, I know him to be a perfectly capable, intelligent, nearly 20 year old man. Which I want him to be! I really, truly do! Instinctually, however, is another matter entirely. I
know that he's completely capable of walking into a bank and opening an account or filling out a rental application. But my gut tells me he can't do it unless someone (probably me) shows him how.
I was just telling Jabber this and he suggested to me that it's the "mother" equivalent of what he calls the "Lizard Brain"; the reptilian brain that controls all animals fight or flight response (the
basal ganglia of the forebrain,for those of you scientifically inclined). He said it's like if an intruder breaks in to the house, his "lizard brain" would make him automatically attack, whereas when my son has a crisis my "mother/lizard brain" makes me automatically rush to the rescue.
I said, "How could I be like this? I wasn't raised like this? I've been on my own since I was 23 and my mom died!" He gently pointed out my aunts...who are feeders. I then recalled an incident where he and I were at an aunts and had dinner. Afterwards, she insisted on dessert. We were watching our food and losing weight and declined. It went like this:
Aunt: "Time for dessert."
Us: "No thanks, we're trying to lose weight."
"But I bought cheesecake."
"Well you go ahead."
"I have whipped cream."
"No. Thank you."
"How about ice cream?"
"No thanks"
"But I have strawberries."
"Ok...we'll have strawberries."
"With cheesecake?"
"With ice cream?"
We had the cheesecake. With strawberries. And I think whipped cream.
That's right...we apparently weren't bright enough to know we didn't want dessert.

I come from a long line of women who think their job is to nurture. They take care of you. They feed you. They wait on you. They'd probably massage your feet if you asked.
This all came to light today when I texted my son to ask if he wanted a scarf. He's been wearing a nice, wool, dress coat he got from the shelter, but it doesn't button to the neck and it's about to drop to single digits. He didn't respond to the first text and I sent a second that said, "Well, let me know, and if you are out of the shelter." He responded that he got a different coat and that he was out of the shelter, but that he thinks he has everything all sorted, so it's all good. While being pleased, and congratulating myself on NOT asking him where he's staying and how he's getting around, my brain went to bank accounts and if he knows he needs to open one when he gets paid.
OF COURSE HE KNOWS! If he doesn't, someone will tell him! I don't have to do it! Jeeze woman!
So...I will be working on controlling the "Mother/Lizard Brain". (Not to be confused with the "Mother Lizard brain"...since mother lizards aren't known to be terribly nurturing. lol
Lil the lizard.