Reading along. As many others feel, I believe you and Jabber are doing a good thing. As I have read many, many times on this forum, it comes down to what helps you sleep at night.
Also, as others have chimed in, in my case, gfg33 was helped many times--at about age 20 we found him an apartment. It was a studio. The couple who rented it did not make us co-sign. The husband wanted a co-signer and the wife said, No, I do not think it is necessary. I have felt guilt about that from time to time. difficult child smoked in the apt (big no-no) and threw parties (another no-no). Ended up catching the couch on fire and got evicted. Moved back home with nightmarish months for husband and me.
And, still, after that..we continued to try to help - though, never to that extent.
Point is, husband and I kept trying to help him and it ended up being ten years wasted. So, I, like others, may try to steer you away from helping because, in our experience, it was years of wasted effort. That does NOT mean it is wasted effort for you guys. It's difficult to not say, NO, NO, learn from us. Do not do this.
But, of course, we don't know nuthin'. It is your journey with your own difficult child. I join everybody else in hoping this catches and which of us can know it will not? As a mother, it makes me happy he will have a warm place. Here's hoping to something good coming of your loving choice.
Stay close. We are here for you. Good/bad/beautiful/ugly and everything in between.