He want to move back home, I'm guessing?
No. He wanted to use the car to help a friend move something and hang out and got very upset when the answer was no.

I won't bother with the details...but it was a scene right out of a difficult child horror movie. There was screaming and yelling all around - literally, we all three just lost it - and we finally made him leave the house for 10-15 minutes just to give us a chance to calm down.
We asked him later if he acts like that with everyone, or just us. He said just us. I truly don't know if that makes me feel better or worse. It's good that he doesn't lose it like that with other people. It's bad that for some reason he feels it's acceptable to lose all control with us. We deserve better and if he doesn't shout and scream and lose it with other people then he is capable of controlling himself. Why does he think he doesn't have to with us?
Yes, I must say now that you mention, I am extremely worried about this. What will you do Lil when you know the J's are around?
Seriously he just moved in today and already has someone moving in?
Not "moved in" but staying the night apparently.
It's a super-small efficiency apartment. He has room for a twin bed and a chair and dresser and table...although he doesn't have the last two yet. The up side to this is there really isn't room for a bunch of people to move in with him. The guy that was coming actually works for the same place our son works and cold-cots at the moment. He also was kicked out of the shelter. Our son says they said he was high, but that he'd been with the guy all day and he wasn't, so he doesn't understand why he was kicked out. It could be they were just looking for a reason because he'd done other things...or he could have been high and our son didn't know or was lying to us. Who knows.
Al I know is it's done. We made our choice and he's now been given every opportunity. He's been given opportunities he did not deserve. But he can never say we just kicked him out with the clothes on his back and he had no chance. He will be able to afford the rent ($285/mo) with even a minimum wage job. The electric is in his name only and they didn't even ask for a deposit...the electric company said it ran under $30 month and I don't think it had been vacant. He has food, because I bought it, along with dishes, pots and pans, you name it. He's set up in a relatively clean, warm, secure place.
It's not a nice place. I would not live there. Jabber says he's lived in worse. I swept up more dead cockroaches than I care to think about. But they were all dead and they said they'd sprayed.

I was very iffy...but he insisted it was better than some places he's stayed...so whatever. It's not a great neighborhood, but it's not terrible. There are two bars right across the street...but also a really nice and popular restaurant and microbrewery and other businesses nearby. It's almost exactly 1 mile from work and if he wants he has a bike here he can have.
Mostly, I'm just tired and, well, it's DONE. I have no problem now saying, "Take care of it. You're a grown-up." He said, "Thanks so much, I can never repay you." We said, "Yes you can and you know how. Get your act together." It's done.
We went out, ate a ton of pub food, had a couple drinks,

smoked cigarettes for the first time since Thanksgiving when we quit...we were that stressed. But we then drove by the homeless shelter and left the remainder of the pack on their doorstep for some resident to find. We're now quitting again. We also plan to try to be pretty much incommunicado for the rest of the weekend.