This whole thread is such a deja vu for me. Over the years we paid for two apartments and then bought a modest house in order to help our difficult child. I remember the first apartment we paid for, I went to Goodwill and dollar stores and bought dishes, pots and pans, towels, etc... you know all the "basic" things you need. The apt. was unfurnished and we told difficult child that it would be a while before we could help furnish it and he responded with "you mean I have to sleep on the floor" "what about a t.v., can't you get me a t.v." This was when he was 19. This was after he was released from 2 years in Y.O.S (youthful offenders system - prison for juvenile's) The two years he was locked up husband and I would drive every 2 weeks to visit him, 3 hours one way!! We put money on his account so he could have extra's. You would like to think that after being locked up for 2 years that there would be some gratitude for helping him out.
He did manage to get a job and started paying his rent after we paid it for 6 months. I remember thinking, "this is it, he's finally going to get it together" That sense of peace was short lived. One day he told me he was getting a cell phone because he "needed" one. I told him that was a bad idea, he had a land line at his apt. that cost $15 a month, the cell phone was going to cost him $80. He did what he wanted, got the cell phone, then stopped paying the rent then got evicted then homeless.
Fast forward, no more Y.O.S. this time it was adult prison for 2 years. In the mean time husband and I had moved across the country to his hometown to help care for his aging parents. difficult child gets released, I fly out, get him, fly him back here. husband and I decided to purchase a small house for difficult child to live in, it was a foreclosure and took longer to close on so in the meantime we rented an apt. for difficult child to live in until the house was ready. There was also the purchase of a car too. Needless to say, it didn't end well, more years of manipulation and chaos, continuing to blame us for how screwed up his life is. (We still have the house and are now landlords to a lovely family.) difficult child chose to go back to our home state of CO where he has been in jail twice, he's now homeless in a mountain town. He reached out to me a little over a month ago to get a copy of his birth cert. because he has no ID. I had to send away for a copy from the state, received it in the mail on Fri. difficult child gave me an address of a friend that I can mail it to. This is my last act of "helping" my difficult child. His 34th birthday is this month. I'm not sure if he will ever get his life together, I hope someday he will.
Last year husband and I celebrated our 25th anniversary by taking a trip to Italy. Up until this point husband and I did not have our wills written and because this was an overseas trip we decided we better make sure our house was in order just in case. We had our wills written up and put our homes, etc.... into a trust for our grandchildren (the one's difficult child has abandoned). Some might think it cold but difficult child will get nothing from us. We have worked too hard for too many years to have him squander it all away. I am at peace with it.
Lil and Jabber I so hope your son will get his life on track. I know exactly what you are going through. All I can offer is if he doesn't, don't waste as many years as my husband and I did, not to mention the money.