If we ever come together as a group, we will do a Monty Python festival on a beach somewhere. White sand. After each movie, we will tumble down the beach quoting our favorite lines to one another and have a meal at a beach bar.
Whoa. Lots of coffee.
Then, back down the beach we will go. We will watch another Money Python and back to the beach bar for lunch and libation.
No coffee.
Then we will do it again and yet once more, until our final return will be under the stars with the ocean crashing away beside us.
We will toast one another with fine Scotch, except for SWOT, whom we will just toast because she hasn't been toasting and we have.
The next morning we will leave, absolutely strong and whole, forever.
That is how we will do this thing. And never go to therapy and never try to figure anyone else out to excuse them, ever again!
She would never have entered a marriage for life with a poor man, would she hav? She wants and lifetime guarantee. No returns allowed.
This morning I am done being interested in my sister. I haven't heard from her and she hasn't come calling. I don't have to be prepared and I don't care why she does what she does. I don't exactly care too much whether I should be doing anything for my mother or what to do about any of that. Not just "It is what it is." but life is filled with absurd, roaringly strange happenings and I am not immune to that.
Pretension totally sucks; whose measuring are we measuring our lives by? WHAT IS IT ABOUT THAT STUPID DINNER I KEEP POSTING ABOUT?!?
Laughter is next.
Savoring is next.
I am done with serious.
The following material was written before I came to this new perspective regarding absurdity and laughter and the Monty Python funeral review Donna posted on Jabber's Monty Python thread. It is better to laugh and to love and let go and never feel badly about what someone else says or thinks or does.
Life has its absurdities. Impossible, unforeseen, unimaginable things do happen.
And we do die! The most absurd thing of all.
Say bad words.
Anger is so overrated a thing.
So here is yesterday's posting in case it assists anyone else in their process.
No. Sister does want that guarantee and sought this particular kind of man out intentionally on an online dating site devoted to Chrisitian people wanting to get married. This man is actually serious prospect #2. Believe it or not, my sister tried to sue prospect #1 when she fell off a horse on a date on his ranch. I don't know what her life would be now, had she not married again. And she does identify herself as a deeply religious, Christian person. I don't know whether that is wrong or right or what. I do know that we work through core issues in our closest relationships. So, that is what they are doing together and neither can leave this time. So, that is probably a good thing. I think my sister has done well; I think she is trying to create family there. I don't understand why she is so insistent on excluding or usurping sibs and nieces and grands, or why my mom goes along with it, or any of those things. When I look back on my relationship to my sister over the years and see what seems to be the determined ugliness in it, I don't know what to think.
But this morning, I think absurdity is part and parcel of the thing. I think I will say many bad words and let go. But I do know that I am no longer excusing what she does
when she has the power to make an actual choice.It is what it is. It is what it looks like.
Why doesn't matter.
I just keep tripping over that part.
It really doesn't matter, though. Just as you and SWOT are doing, I am disconnecting from whatever it was that my relationship to my sister was based on.
And I will not cheat, either.
It's just confusing, that's all. The only way what seems to be happening in my FOO could be seen as a win would be if I needed to be gone for the family to come together.
So, that must be the win, then.
It would explain "What would Cedar do." That still seems like such a nasty thing.
There seems to be no answer to this ~ to what has happened here. There was a time I did not care what they did or how they felt. Other than to be available to them, I mean. I didn't think about them much at all. There were not the normal kinds of conversations, or the celebrations when babies are born and so on. When the kids fell, when I tumbled back into "emotional flashback", I may have (and you may have too, Copa ~ SWOT too, maybe) turned toward FOO for comfort. I have read on the site how much comfort there is to be taken in family who believes in you and in the troubled child. For us, that openness we allowed in our vulnerability and in our grief may have been the thing that allowed them enough access to hurt or trouble us. It is probable then that as we heal those core issues, our sisters will no longer represent whatever it is they represent to us, now.
It must be that our kids and our sisters are hooked together somehow, down in the phychic waters.
In my youth, I did not think so much about my sister. I just took care of her because I took care of everyone ~ me too. In cooking and etc, I mean.
It's like it is with our kids. We never had those things we grieve so deeply, when you get right down to it.
Probably what we are doing, here on this thread, is loving ourselves out of blame for what has happened to us, to our kids,
and to our sisters and brothers.
That could be.
But here is what I forgot. Laughing is the larger part of loving.
I forgot that!
To be worshiped. Adored. With absolute powers. For life.
I don't know so much about the worshiped part, Copa. Unless you mean worshiped in the religious sense, out of fear or awe. The feel of my sister has to do with crying really loud. It has to do with crying really loud like she is broken and watching you while her eyes fill with tears until you do something to help her not feel badly. It has to do with that feeling of being able to buy things where the implication is that you could never afford it, but the thing turns out to be a sofa.
Stuff like that.
Like, I am really supposed to admire her sofa. Or her television cabinet.
It's the strangest thing.
And my mom is like, "Oh that is such a nice sofa."
This actually happened.
And like, when I went to her house for the first time after she married this man? He walked me over to a painting in the foyer and questioned me as to its meaning ~ in the sense that I probably did not know a painting might actually contain more than the picture of the thing represented. And I think he did not have a clue as to what he might be revealing about himself in all of it.
It really is the strangest thing, Copa and SWOT.
One time, my sister was on a kick about how she could feed her cats from crystal bowls if she wanted to. She told me that same story so many times.
And I suppose it feels like she has enough money when she talks like that.
But this morning I am wondering whether it could not be something so absurd as that I do not feed my creatures from crystal bowls.
Like totally out of control grief; like never having been given enough, and like what you have given is so much less than what everyone else has given that whatever you did give was worthless.
So I don't know about worship or adore. It feels more like...more like I am King. I have the best sofa. I have a really nice thing to hold my TV. I feed my cats water from a crystal bowl. And if I am naked? It would be expected that you would not say so, but simply admire the clothing I tell you is there.
It is that kind of crazy.
It makes no sense at all ~ but remember what I posted about that rotten visit to Padre Island.
It certainly makes sense in that light.
Well, huh.
Thanks, Copa. I thought I had figured my sister out. Looks like there are still plenty of questions there
and that I will never have answers that ring true.
So we will just name my sister Klingon, then. Sort of a nasty, clinging, devious King of Everything.
But...she will, and her family will, have that property.
And I don't know whether that matters, or not.
And this morning, we know that of course it does and does not.
She gained the power to buy powerful people if she wanted through her money.
Oh, that is so cool. I don't even know anyone like that.
The thing that infuriated me was this: I did become highly educated. I went to the best universities and I paid for it by working and loans. I educated myself while estranged from my family completely. '
Wow, Copa.
That is an amazing accomplishment, that you did that.
I am proud of and for you. I even like it that you are stubbornly taking your own path in your recovery.
You are blazingly strong. I mean, think about it. You are pretty much saying "Oh, man I hate this way this all is. I'm going to bed."
Then, you forgot why you went there in the first place.
The thing is I fear Lioness that you may be like me. That there will never be a way to say STOP. GET OUT and mean it. That you would be saying it to the pain and not to your child. And it would kill you like it does me.
This worked for me: Ask yourself what you need to see from your child before you will re-engage. By re-engage, I mean money or whatever the medium of exchange between you is. For Lioness, the daughter seems to be trading in spite. In power-over. If we begin looking at our situations from our own perspectives
which is how we parent younger children ~ you would never give in to a tantrumming two year old, or that is the behavior you would be encouraging ~ then we see clearly.
When we see from rejected mother/screwed up locus of control abused daughter place we all seem to have been tossed headfirst into when we could consistently not help our kids and everything kept getting worse and our stupid FOO used our vulnerability to hurt us instead of holding us up through something more terrible and neverending than anything else I know of, we are parenting from a place where success is impossible.
Even in terminal illness, horrible as it is, there is an ending.
That place our abusers hurt us into believing about ourselves
and our potentials, including our offspring is where the thinking comes from that our kids are not bright or strong enough to cope with their lives.
They were not brought up like we were. We enable them now, as adults,
though we knew better than to enable weakening behaviors when they were two because we refuse to desert them as we were deserted.