Hey y’all!


Well-Known Member
It’s been a minute, heh?

Was watching LOTR and started thinking of some old friends here.

Missy is doing great. Get this… Shes a behavioral therapist! God does have a sense of humor, doesn’t he?

Unbelievably, at age 20, Bam Bam was diagnosis’d with autism. Let me tell ya, this has been a ride. After almost a year of trying to get further testing, last Sunday, he finally had several tests done. We have one more session with the Dr and then we’ll get final results and then we’ll be able to get services for him.

I’m back to working full time at a job that I really love. It’s for a real estate investment group.

I was glad to see a post from Esther. Sad to hear about Runnaway Bunny. I haven’t looked too much at posts yet. Is there much of the old crew around?

The new site looks great!


Well-Known Member
Hello Lothlorien, good to see you.

"Sunlight," who has written onto my post, is actually Antsmom. She is one of our old crowd.

It's interesting to see how things seem to work out for some people. It was good to read about your children.

Love, Esther


Active Member
Hi you. I only popped in to check on old posts and noticed that pretty much all the old timers have moved on. I recall your family and am glad at how well things are going. You deserve it!


Well-Known Member
Hello Lothlorien, good to see you.

"Sunlight," who has written onto my post, is actually Antsmom. She is one of our old crowd.

It's interesting to see how things seem to work out for some people. It was good to read about your children.

Love, Esther
Good to see you! I often think of you and say a little prayer every time I hear of the unrest in Israel. Glad you are doing well!


Well-Known Member
Hi you. I only popped in to check on old posts and noticed that pretty much all the old timers have moved on. I recall your family and am glad at how well things are going. You deserve it!
Good to see you. I was friends with some old timers on Facebook but sadly -without warning or any issues- my account was taken down. I lost contact with many people and unable to get back in touch with them because if you’re not friends with one of their friends you can’t even see their profile. Oh well.