Thanks Pixie Dusted, I am going to get it. I am also going to look for a close al anon meeting near me and go!Excellent Book!
I appreciate your response and encouragement!! Thank you so much for taking the time to answer!
Thanks Pixie Dusted, I am going to get it. I am also going to look for a close al anon meeting near me and go!Excellent Book!
The numerous phone calls each day go from good to terrible. I am almost ready to ask his counselor to limit the calls - as this can not be good for him and his recovery either. I am actually surprised he is allowed to call so often, as I was always under the impression that contact was limited at least in the beginning.
Here is a great article about detaching. It's at the top of this forum.I had not read anything about detaching so that is helping me too.
Make glad weeping for the dead, for he is at rest.