More on this topic...this is truly great stuff and gets us "off" focusing obsessively on other people and what they do or don't do, and gets us to the true problem: ourselves. We are our own greatest obstacle. We are the only thing standing in the way of change. Focusing on someone else, waiting and managing and controlling and fixing and praying and hoping and crying and screaming and begging, will never bring us peace, regardless of whether or not all of that activity is followed by change or the same behaviors.
Once we really and truly start to see that, that is a good day. I know that most of us mothers, here on this site, have an almost impossible time detangling ourselves from our now-adult children. That's because for so many years, it was our job to bring them up, to raise them, to guide and nurture them. But now---we have to do something different. Now they are adults, and even with PCs, we have to stop. We have to let them go. We have to let them do whatever it is they are going to do. It's not our job anymore. Our job is done. But how do we do this? This is how we do it:
And I think, for me, that what I'm guilty of, the "doing it wrong" that Rohr writes about below, is that I kept on way too long. I didn't know better so I kept doing the same thing over and over again. But now I know better.
There is tremendous freedom here, to be claimed, for all of us. A blessed freedom that is filled with all of the great riches of life: peace, joy, serenity, contentment, purpose, many desired states of being.
Letting Go
Forgiving Ourselves
Friday, July 25, 2014
Perhaps the most difficult forgiveness, the greatest letting go, is to forgive ourselves for doing it wrong. We need to realize that we are not perfect, and we are not innocent. “One learns one’s mystery at the price of one’s innocence” says Robertson Davies. If I want to maintain an image of myself as innocent, superior, or righteous, I can only do so at the cost of truth. I would have to reject the mysterious side, the shadow side, the broken side, the unconscious side of almost everything. We have for too long confused holiness with innocence, whereas holiness is actually mistakes overcome and transformed, not necessary mistakes avoided.
Letting go is different than denying or repressing. To let go of it, you have to admit it. You have to own it. Letting go is different than turning it against yourself. Letting go is different than projecting it onto others. Letting go means that the denied, repressed, rejected parts of myself are seen for what they are. You see it and you hand it over to God. You hand it over to history. You refuse to let the negative story line that you’ve wrapped yourself around define your life.
This is a very different way of living. It implies that you see your mistake, your dark side, and you don’t split from it. You don’t pretend it’s not true. You go to the place that has been called “the gift of tears.” Weeping is a word to describe that inner attitude where I can’t fix it, I can’t explain it, I can’t control it, I can’t even understand it. I can only forgive it—weep over it and let go of it. Grieving reality is different than hating it.
Letting go of our cherished images of ourselves is really the way to heaven, because when you fall down to the bottom, you fall on solid ground, the Great Foundation, the bedrock of God. It looks like an abyss, but it’s actually a foundation. On that foundation, you have nothing to prove, nothing to protect: “I am who I am who I am,” and for some unbelievable reason, that’s what God has chosen to love. At that point, the one you’re in love with is both God and yourself too, and you find yourself henceforth inside of God (John 14:20)!
Adapted from The Art of Letting Go: Living the Wisdom of Saint Francis,
disc 6 (CD)
Gateway to Silence:
Let go and let God.