Just me being me, here... coming from 100+ years of first marriage in parents and inlaws, and 20+ myself...
It doesn't take long to tear a relationship apart.
You can always do that later.
But you've given yourself some hints in your own postings...
Tony has too much on his plate.
So do you.
Between health, work, finances, the house, each other...
You're not 30 any more. Nor is he.
Fear is a horrid thing. Fear of losing your health, or your job, or your spouse...
It turns us into somebody we really aren't.
It is SO hard on relationships.
And yet... we human beings are so prone to... fear.
In the midst of this forrest of issues and challenges... there are little bright spots.
You need to find them. Tony needs to find them, too.
Like the care you give to his aching muscles.
You need to find those, and grow them.
Its more important to find the positives, than to deal with the negatives.
And then... when you do go to deal with the negatives, pick on the easiest ones first - rather than the really hot-button items. The point is to accomplish "something", rather than adding gas to the fire of problems.
Talk about sleep. Do whatever you both need to do, to get better sleep. I know lots of couples who sleep apart, and still manage to have everything else too. The point is, you both need your heads clear, because life isn't easy and it likely isn't going to get easier.... that's true for most of us at this age in life. Don't worry about getting help for all his - or all your - health issues. Pick on the things that affect sleep. Because... the payoffs are immediate.
Do little things to make him smile. You'll have to start it... fellows usually don't. But... even if they don't reciprocate directly, the impact is worth the effort. Tuck a note into his lunch pail. A sticky on the mirror when he gets up. A note hidden in some compartment in the vehicle that he goes into periodically... but might not find the day you put it there.
Feed what remains of the relationship, and see where it goes.
Try and get help for yourself - and try and help him to get help for himself.
Then if none of it works... you haven't lost anything by trying.