If you like olive oil for salads, try almond oil, macadamia nut oil, or walnut oil. they are amazing - healthy and they add more flavor. husband cooks what he says s "healthy brussels sprouts" but they are smothered and dripping with olive oil. If he had the oil hot before he put them in they would be deep fried - they are that oily. I nagged until he tried my macadamia nut oil and he used about 3 teaspoons instead of close to 1/2 inch in the bottom of the skillet because the mac nut oil was "so expensive" and the flavor and taste were a ton better - or so he says. Iwon't eat brussels sprouts, but he raved about these. Then he realized how much cheaper it was to use a little mac nut oil rather than a ton of olive. So now he uses less when he uses olive oil too because he learned he CAN.
The nut oils add nutrients and flavor. For severely dry skin, rub the almond or mac nut oil into your skin. It is the basis of some hand creams I use and I also use them straight - it is why I bought them after all. It is a TON cheaper to buy these at Whole foods in the cooking oil section and is the same oil. I got a bottle of whole foods brand almond oil for around $4-$5 and half that many ounces of the same thing was $9 in the essential oil area - and they are the SAME thing exactly except that food grade is purer than cosmetic grade!
Janet, if you have a whole foods that you can get to, they have the wild rice, etc... in bulk for a LOT cheaper. It is 90 min to get there for us, so we combine it with other trips to that city and we buy enough for at least a month and usually more.
Instead of the chicken thighs, which are higher in fat than breasts, go and buy chicken breasts when on sale and eat those. Just freeze a bunch in 1 meal size ziplocs when you buy them. There are a LOT of "health food" items which are actually cheaper if you buy them in the rest of the store. I LOVE texturized vegetable protein and if I buy it in town it can rival the price of steaks. It is soy protein that is dried. I add it to anything with ground beef and no one here really notices unless I make meatloaf or burgers. Anything like spaghetti sauce, tacos, etc.... it isn't noticeable. I get it from the bulk section of whole foods every few months and it is insanely cheap there compared to buying it in my local stores. Knowing where to buy what you need is how to make eating healthy affordable. I get spices in bulk from helath food stores too, but we have a local one that is a lot closer than whoel foods. I get some online also because I know a place that has good quality spices for cheap.
I don't know if this will help the renal diet, but the recipes in The Tightwad Gazette are usually easy, fast and they sure are cheap mostly. they also seem quite healthy and the book has a lot of ideas for how to live frugally. I recommend the book "teh complete Tightwad Gazette" to EVERYONE - you can find it on amazon used and new.