Well, I have worn myself out today channeling Donald Trump with the moderators. I have become so empowered I do not even know myself anymore. That same thing that happened to you Cedar a few weeks ago, when your available energy increased is happening to me.
Ha! Copa, good for you!
That is what I feel, Copa. I am thinking the difference is that I have a choice of response now, where before, only the shame response had validity.
Good and bad things happen to all of us. I seem able to have the option of choice now, in how that balances out. I don't get stuck in the abject shame of my own imperfection. I can be wrong, as I was in my thinking about my son, without getting stuck in how badly I feel about having been less than perfect.
It's as though I'm maturing into real from the role.
This feeling of maturation seems to be happening on so many levels.
I still feel that hovering sense of self accusatory condemnation that is the shame response, but I can name it now. I can know where it came from and not let it define me, now. I did not have that choice, before. I really did feel badly about so many things that were just the things that happen to all of us in our lives. There is no perfect response, not for anyone. It isn't that other people know something I don't know. We are all figuring everything out one small step at a time.
The difference between me and everyone else is that they are not telling themselves "That'll do, pig."
I find compassion for myself, there. That is such a sad thing for me to have come to believe.
I am grateful to have seen how I was seeing everything about me. Shame is so sad and troubling a thing, and so hurtful.
Serenity's point about new medications is valid too I think, Copa. When I have taken St John's Wort, I have stopped after a few days. It seems it would push me over some edge that was not where I wanted to be, either. So, I would stop for awhile. I found that breaking through another layer through the work we have been doing here left me ~ I don't know. It's like the anger...it's like I need time to assimilate the feelings into who I am, into the way I understand and into the way I choose to see. I have to assimilate anger into compassion, or into rage, even and then, go back for the healing of it again and again.
Always, it heals into compassion for myself.
Isn't that strange. I always thought it would heal into compassion for the behaviors of others toward me. Their behaviors hold no emotional charge for me, now. I feel compassion for my suffering
because of their behaviors, but not compassion, or anything really, for them.
They are separate from me, now.
Their betrayals were not personal to me; their actions were personal to them and may not have been seen as betrayals by them. Before I began healing, I saw things in terms of betrayal and I think what I am coming to see is that the betrayal was happening between me and the way the toxically shamed core self justified things. I believed that if I'd been a better person, the other person would not have done whatever it was they did.
Now I get it that they do what they do because that is what they do. I seem able to see it without that shame response taking precedence. It is still there, but I can see it now, and choose not to believe in the finality of it.
That is the thing I can see, so far anyway, about how we heal.
I did not expect that.
It pleases me, though.
With the sense of having broken through each layer, there was a sense of wild, almost overwhelming ebullience, of freedom.
It was disorienting.
With every layer of healing, there have been attending feelings of exhilaration and wild freedom and disorientation and responsibility to self creation, as I come to rest in the larger, more generous self that I am, now.
Disorienting, as of course it would be. We have moved so quickly in our healing here that we have not acknowledged that there is a necessary time of assimilation accompanying our healing.
Then, I would go back to the shame response for a little while. It feels very much like balancing and over-balancing and finally, assimilating the new energies.
I would be afraid, sometimes, of who I was becoming; of who I would be, at the end of this process of healing I no longer seem able to control or even, direct. The strangest, most unexpected things come up ~ as they have just this week, in healing the shame piece in who I believed my son to be.
Oh, I am sad I felt that way about him. I am glad to have seen it, and addressed it with him. But what I am saying is that issues I was not aware of are popping up for healing
and I am seeing them as such and healing myself into compassion for me. I feel badly for myself that I thought that way. I get it that son will function as himself however I see him? I think I was a good enough mom for that to be true?
But I feel really badly for me that I saw him that way instead of for the bravery in him.
That is the flavor of this healing, now. Barrier of shame to break through.
Acceeptance (which feels really awful). But somehow, I come away from it now, stronger. I am just more present now. I tend not to panic and drop myself into beat myself up mode so much as I am able to take a breath and sure enough, feel and hold myself with ~ I don't know. Like, a sense of hovering compassion and healing and gratitude for it, for the difference between those feelings and the self condemnation with which I have treated myself, all of my beautiful life.
I appreciate myself, now.
Whatever you guys. I am totally off the subject here which was Copa's healing.
We are each ~ it feels so right, what we are accomplishing, here.
Thank you for staying with me through it.
And thank me too, of course.
We are doing this together, and each of us matters for all of us. And when others reading along post in to us, I feel like, a sense of blessing in that, too.