OK, if I forgive my mother for stealing our inheritance. I say I forgive you. On some level I must have thought I did not deserve more. So, to see I forgive you, is to accept that I am a being who does not deserve more. And that I could not do.
I am new this too, Copa. But I think:
1) The inheritance. (MY MONEY THAT WAS MINE AND WAS TAKEN UNFAIRLY AND I WAS BETRAYED IN THIS.) The inheritance is gone. Whether we forgive or harbor ill will or whatever we do, the inheritance is freaking all gone.
2) I accuse the betrayer of being a betraying, deceitful, irresponsible skunk. I say these things in my loudest voice and in the worst, dirtiest, most disrespectful words I know. I swear I will hate my betrayer forever. Like yesterday, I decided to have vengeance on my sister because I hate her guts for what she did, right? And I have that vengeance thing going on, so I feel bad to think like that.
And I actually do.
3) Today, I forgive myself for those things I thought and said and posted. I see the rottenness of my sister, especially compared to me. I hate her guts again, and pledge I will do so forever.
I forgive myself for that, too.
The amazing person here is me. My sister, as it turns out, is a rotten jerk from whom I should never have expected better.
I forgive myself for hating her.
She's a jerky betrayer. Of course I disapprove of the little freak.
I forgive myself for saying true things about my sister.
4) The inheritance, my inheritance that was my own money, is still gone. But I forgive myself for hating the person who betrayed me. I am right to hate them, because they did betray me, those dirty rats. Roar! I could not hate them more for what they did to my money. (To my money. NOT TO ME.)
So I have all those feelings like vengeance and roaring, powerful, inescapable consequence for that stupid, ugly betrayer.
Then, I forgive myself for that, too.
And every time I feel mad for what my sister did, I hate her very guts. Right to the cellular level.
So, nothing's changed. My sister still did what she did. Your mom still did what she did. They were both dirty rats, to do what they undeniably did do. But you and I are clear on who was wrong, on exactly what those sick buggers did to us, and on how we feel about that.
They did not do it to us. They did it because they are really bad examples of human people and they are lucky we have anything to do with them at all.
And we only do have anything to do with them because, even though we hate them (well, I do) I get it that their stupid, wicked, evil behaviors have nothing to do with me. They are ratike, rotten people; not good, decent people like me at all.
So I forgive myself for having such crummy relatives, who make me sick even to think about them. Those rotten, rotten bad people.
Which is true.
But me? I am forgiven.
Leave the bad feelings with the person who did the bad thing. There is nothing to forgive. To forgive them means we are okay with hurting us.
You are right. That doesn't make any sense.
To forgive ourselves for hating them for what they did ~ that makes complete sense.
Plus, we will never get sucked in by those people whose guts we hate (in my sister's case) again.
I forgive myself for being the kind of person who hates someone's guts. But they are a rat. They deserve it. They were lucky to have accidentally been in a position to know me, at all. And look what they did. Those rats.
Not mad at myself anymore, not coming from the automatic shame position anymore, because I forgive myself for hating them for what they undeniably did do.
Those dirty, dirty rats.
That was very wrong of your mother, to take your money, Copa.
Shame on her.
Not on you.
You are the guy who doesn't have your own money because some really bad person took it.
I am thinking that anytime we feel shame, we need to stop right there and figure out what we are ashamed about. You said it yourself, Copa: That means I accept that I deserve what they did. That is true; that is what it would mean, to forgive
them. What we need to do is forgive ourselves for responding to the unbelievable things they do ~ or anyone does ~ from shame.
Think of it this way.
My sister took advantage of a niece who had brain damage. She did this so she could leave the niece blaming herself for having felt she was worth her aunt having cared about her. Who does that kind of thing?
But I felt dirtied by it. I felt bad for my child, and I felt badly for myself that my child had been hurt and that my own sister was a jerk.
That is the shame response. It went global. It went global for my daughter too, because if sister was not there to support her, to love her through it, then she was there like some sick weirdo lapping up blood at an accident scene and leaving it to someone else to call 911.
I may figure out how I want to respond to this, yet.
Shame froze me, like a deer in the headlights.
First, we need to get out from under the way everything looks when we see it from that shame response they hurt into us in the first place. My sister is a freaking rat. She always has been. That is why I had to go into denial about her. All I could know to do when someone was acting like a rat was be ashamed they were treating me that way.
Deer in the headlights.
Hating is wrong. Vengeance is wrong. I want to be good. And etc.
So, I need to stop doing that to myself. I hate my sister with my whole heart.
That is wrong, by my own sense of integrity, hatred got us into this and only love will get us out.
So I forgive myself for hating her the way I really, really do.
Who spends their own child's inheritance?
Not someone that child should live in shame for.
I think that's how this works. We are in a double bind because of that toxic shame core. We don't know yet how to understand the terrible things that happen, not just to us, but to everyone sometimes. We default to toxic shame.
Those raised in healthier environments will default to something else, when bad things happen.
That default position is the place we need to work.
Toxic shame.
In a way we are fortunate in this. We know what it feels like. We know then, that we have work to do around this issue, whatever it is, when we feel toxic shame. That is not a signal to buckle. Not anymore. That is us, that shame, sending signals that we are ready, that we are strong enough now, to heal it.
The person who did whatever is not the issue. My mom is a jerk in many ways. My sister is a jerk in pretty much every way.
How unattractive, to think like that.
I forgive myself.
I choose myself.
If there is anyone who is going to be hated for what they did, it's them.
Not me.
I am forgiven.
So are you. Not for what your mother did. You do not have the right to forgive her Copa, any more than I have the right to forgive the male who beat daughter.
But I am not going to pop myself into toxic shame for that bugger's sake. Or for my sister or my mom or even, for the things I do that are wrong.
No more toxic shame default, for any of us here on FOO Chronicles.
I don't know what I am going to do, about these people I (roar) feel so angry with.
But I am good and mad.
That's okay.
I forgive myself for that.
I absolutely do.