While N* was in Residential Treatment Center (RTC), she was playing football, and injured her knee. She was taken to the local quack dr. who did an x-ray, saw nothing, and told Residential Treatment Center (RTC) to give her Tylenol for any pain. No phone call to me to report injury. The following day, I was there for a counselling session, and noticed she was now limping and her knee had swollen up. I asked the 23 year old staff person in charge (expert) what happened - oh I think she's fine - some kids really play it up if they get a little hurt.
I called her case manager the next morning, told him I'd made an appointment for N* at an orthopedic clinic, and I was picking her up at 10:30. He was smart enough not to get in my way - Residential Treatment Center (RTC) failed to notify me of injury.
When I picked N* up, 23 year old expert told me I could not buy anything for N* to eat for lunch (McDonalds) - it was against the rules. I told 23 year old expert that I was 40 something, and if while in the course of the next several hours, while seeking medical attention, MY CHILD became hungry, I would feed my child. Since my car didn't have a kitchen in it, I may just stop for a sandwich somewhere, and if it would make 23 year old expert feel any better, I'd try not to enjoy it. By the way - N* tore her ACL. Another 1/2 inch and she would have had surgery. Ortho doctor put her in a leg brace and on crutches for 4 weeks. Argh!