My teenage son is urinating in his room


New Member
My son did this and it because he didn't want to take the time to go to the bath,
which was right next door to his room because he was busy playing video games.
I know ur post is old but I could’ve written what u did verbatim. He’s 9. Spends lots of time in his room on the XBox. I think he didn’t wanna stop playing to go to the toilet which is literally right across the hall. Folks here are saying it’s a mental or physical problem but I don't know. How’s ur son now and how did this situation pan out?


Well-Known Member
This isn’t the first time a mom has posted about a son not taking time from the Xbox to go to the bathroom in the proper place. It seems like this scenario is a common one. If it’s that bad, I would consider canceling the service.


Roll With It
If they are choosing to not stop to pee because they are playing a video game, there is a fairly easy fix. Get rid of the video games. If that is too extreme for you, set up a system where every so often your son has to stop and try to use the toilet before he can play again. Use a timer and go interrupt him and make him use the toilet. If you have to, turn off the game system. If he makes you go that far, no more video games that day. If he gets up when you say he has to, he can come back and play. Or set an amount of time that he can play video games. Make him use the toilet before he starts, and when he stops. Make it a short enough period of time that he shouldn't need to go if he went before he started. I would use some small reward if he doesn't argue about going to try to use the toilet. If he argues enough that you have to turn it off, then no more games.

You need to make him clean up his mess. If he pees on his laundry, he can learn to do laundry. If he pees on the carpet, that is what enzyme stain treatments are for. Also what carpet cleaners are for. If he gets an allowance, he can pay for some or all of the fee if you rent a carpet cleaner. You could also have him contribute to the cost of the cleaners. Make him at least help, if not do it all. Use a blacklight to see how well he has actually cleaned. Check it often with the blacklight (I think you can buy blacklight bulbs that will go in any lamp) and if it shows urine, make him do the cleaning. The more work, and the more inconvenient that cleaning is, the better. Keep an eye on it and insist he keep working until you are satisfied. Be aware that some cleaning products may also glow under the light. Test it before you evaluate the quality of his work.


New Member
Putting a plastic urinal nearby may be just a stopgap measure until you can figure it out. My difficult child doesn’t get sensation to urinate until it’s squirting out. Needless to say, toilet is yucky but it is not intentionally peeing elsewhere.


New Member
have a 12 year old girl attending a residential college recently started period (not sure if relevant) who the supervisors have noticed that she seems to be going toilet in her bin bags overnight rather than going to the bathroom, we already make sure all the lights are left on as she doesn't like the dark, but we aren't sure what else may be happening behind the scenes


New Member
I'm so glad I came across this thread, as iv just found out my son 13 years has been peeing in the corner of his room. Iv just ripped the carpet up floorboards are spoaking. I'm currently about in tears as he's never done this behavior. I feel like I'm failing as a parent. Its his birthday next week and im doing his room up, he doesnt know iv ordered him a new bed, new carpet, gaming chair and table, but i now feel like why am i even thinking of a new carpet when hes doing this. He's Adhd, autism, Auditory Processing Disorders (APD). I'm glad I'm not the only one who has had this problem.


Well-Known Member
Hi--I am only now seeing your post. Why not start a new thread as this one is old? That way others can respond to you.

Are you in the United States? If so, is your son with Regional Center? Regional Center should provide a behavioral consultant to work with your son and you to help him curb this behavior. There may be other ways to access this support.

I recommend you find help. It's not just the new furniture. It's not good for either you or your son that he continues to do this.

It may be something quite simple. It's easier for him to pee in the corner. He doesn't want to leave his room or take time away from the game. However, it may be something more complicated.

You are NOT the only one who has had this problem.
Welcome to the forum.