call 911
Hi there. Well - I'm still going with my initial assessment of GET THEE TO A THERAPIST - NOW! But since you've told a little more about the home situation - I'll amend my initial advice. (having been there done that) - Since your husband is NOT on the same page as you and since he is not going to change his mind? YOU GO - You go to the therapist and talk about the hurt, the pain, the emotional loss, the feelings of emptiness, and lonlieness, betrayal, wasted years, tired, bitterness - because not a single adjective I've just thrown at you? Doesn't pertain to your emotional state right now. Does it? (be honest with yourself) no need to answer me - just yourself.
I say this because you have MORE than just the relationship with your daughter falling apart under your roof and that's HUGE.....ENORMOUS. Not only are you not having a relationship with your daughter - you aren't having a relationship with your husband, and not only aren't you having a relationship with your husband - HE's having a relationship with HER! WOW!! - Now while most people are going to look at that sentence and say "Well Star, it IS his daughter - what's he supposed to do NOT talk to her, NOT support her, NOT blah blah blah?" My answer is -WELL - If she's treating her Mother like ****? Then NO - he should NOT be continuing to support her in the fashion that he is with lunches and cell phones, and things like that - UNLESS the conversations are to try and MEND the relationship - and I sincerely doubt it. Because if they were? Then he would be coming back to you Dotie and saying "I had a talk with Daughter X today about how she treats you and she said the reasons she does X and Y is because she feels you ABC...can we all get together for lunch and work on ABC? would you be open to that?" And he's not. THAT is what a therapist would HELP YOU with Dotie - So yeah - THIS is why I say - GET THEE TO A THERAPIST - because .....and here comes the part that is OH NOT SO PRETTY.......(and I've faced it so I'll share it)
THE THINGS THAT ARE WRONG WITH YOU.........THE THINGS THAT YOU ARE DOING WRONG as a MOTHER, WIFE, PERSON, FRIEND, DAUGHTER???? The things that you maybe don't EVEN KNOW you do that are annoying to the REST OF THE WORLD - or DO...DO and just choose to ignore by saying WELL that's who I am if you don't like it - (%)(%O(#() you...that's me! ----MAY WELL BE the reasons you aren't able to HAVE a relationship with your daughter, your husband, your friends, your co-workers...
BUT ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THAT COIN.........(and there IS ANOTHER SIDE) and this is the side that is THE WONDERFUL PART OF WHO YOU ARE......
When you DO go through therapy and open a lot of the doors in your past, and deal with some things that are painful, some things that we stuff, and put away because it was easier, and quicker to stuff them away and lock them up instead of DEALING with them, or maybe we didn't HAVE anyone to work them out with at the time- because we were too young, didn't understand, or didn't want to - once you deal with all that old stuff then you find out about WHO YOU REALLY ARE, WHat makes up your personality, HOW YOU TICK, HOW YOU REACT to OTHERS, HOW YOU EFFECTIVELY communicate TO others????? It's now that you begin to see that you are answering people with positivity, honesty about yourself - PAUSE......before answering instead of REACTING.....and when you DO answer, when you DO talk to the ones you care about - your answers are clear....not based on raw emotion - but well thought out from many perspectives - you took time to think......not react before giving an answer.
You stop asking yourself things like - WAS I A BAD MOTHER - because you absolutely KNOW ----YOU WERE NOT, and you answer that question with a statement - I did what I did at the time with the best tools and knowledge available to me, because HAD I KNOWN any better or had any tools better available to me at that time? I WOULD HAVE USED THEM - because I purposely did NOT make the WORST decisions I could for my child at that time - I made the best ones I knew how. I DID THE VERY BEST FOR YOU I KNEW. End of conversation. And you feel it in your heart, and bones. Without a shred of doubt. But not unless you get rid of all the baggage through therapy.
You don't know me - and my story is long, and some parts of it were very hard. My youngest, and only living son is now 21. To say he was a handful, and one of the most difficult children to raise would be an understatement. His biological father is a complete mess of a human being. He's a diagnosis sociopath/psychopath, with BiPolar (BP), and borderline tendencies. He's a lifetime drugaddict, alcoholic, womanizer, abusive to women, men, and animals. He has absolutely no conscience or guilt over anything that he's done, and is a career criminal. With over 25 suicide attempts in his profile, we believe he answers to a different master as he's still alive, and recently diagnosis with cancer. After a 15 year separation my son chose to seek him out to try to have a relationship, and a week after meeting up? My x took a baseball bat after my son and tried to kill him. Yet he tried for 2 more years to have a relationship with him. My son continued to believe he did something wrong. It's just now that he's wanting to seek therapy - he wants to know why - he ever wanted a relationship with someone that treated him so badly, but tells us it's for his anger. Either way - we're glad he's looking for help.
I continued therapy after leaving this man for 15 years. The things he did to me, to us were hideous. But it wasn't just him....but Ipassed it off as him. Truth was, I had a lot of issues in childhood that were unresolved I never even knew existed. I had great parents - I just had unresolved issues, and no ones parents are perfect. We all do things as parents that affect our kids - differently...Things happen at school, things happen in peer groups, things happen in sports...things we may or may NOT even remember that change our LIVES forever and form paths in our brains that cause us to behave certain ways....and just like your daughter ---there are things that you DID do right, and things that you may not have done right that formed her thinking, conscious and subconscious....there are things that happened to her in school - in play---in sports...things you have NO control over how it affected her thinking, logic, cognitive brain. SHE IS WHO SHE IS because of HOW she perceived things at certain times - and our brains are collecting data 24/7 with every sense we have and storing them like a digital camera ------and filing them away.
So for you to try and figure out WHY shes's picked this boy? Well (scratches head) there are some (shrugs) pre-determined abusive type relationships - I mean you could point out that she has low self esteem. YOu could say she feels she can change this man with love at first, you could say she feels sorry for him, you could say it's him and her against the world....If you want to know more? Get in touch with a local domestic violence shelter and I say that NOT because he's beating her - but because you feel there is abuse on different levels - there is verbal, mental, physical.....and he sounds controling to you - that could be mental. There is a cycle to domestic violence. Educate yourself to understand it.....before you just jump in with both feet and start accusing her or him. You see him as a waste of a human - beneath your daughters stature, not worthy. And if THAT's what you're coming at her with? You're not going to win ANY points with her on getting her to leave. But if you were to educate yourself, and know facts, and begin to present FACTS about abusive men in a factual way that maybe is statistical....and plant seeds? You may have a better shot. PRobably NOT - because it takes HER getting to counseling and being honest about HER life and finding out about HERSELF -before she would see why she's picking the men she is, before she's just going to up and believe her Mother - a Mother who isn't willing to even work on bettering herself.....
Oh and there's the stigma about seeing a shrink? Yeah well ------You know what......Nertz to them. I'd rather tell everyone I saw a therapist for 15 years and know what I kow and be so self assured and not pick loosers in my life and be able to literally see the handwriting on the wall -----and NOT engage in office gossip, drama, and go home to my quiet life and dogs ----than to complain about my life constantly have no one to support me, be miserable all the time, sad, crying, and have my children hate me, OH and road rage? Gone..that one is really good because now I drive 18 wheelers.., and not know how to detach at all.....and have no one want to come near me when I walked in a room - for fear I was going to start talking about my misery......that gets old. That vs. Did you know Star is seeing a shrink (snicker) seems to me - it was worth the 15 years....
It was definitely a great gift I gave myself and my family who now say I'm so much more have a choice....and if you can't afford it? ALL county mental health services are free or on a sliding scale -most UNited ways offer it, Catholic Charities, Lutheran CHarities, Baptist churches....(and you don't have to be attending).....and I even cleaned offices once for a guy that I couldn't afford for 30-45 minutes of his time...
And we're a great support group......straight up tell ya like it is ------but wonderful.
Hugs & Love
Hi there. Well - I'm still going with my initial assessment of GET THEE TO A THERAPIST - NOW! But since you've told a little more about the home situation - I'll amend my initial advice. (having been there done that) - Since your husband is NOT on the same page as you and since he is not going to change his mind? YOU GO - You go to the therapist and talk about the hurt, the pain, the emotional loss, the feelings of emptiness, and lonlieness, betrayal, wasted years, tired, bitterness - because not a single adjective I've just thrown at you? Doesn't pertain to your emotional state right now. Does it? (be honest with yourself) no need to answer me - just yourself.
I say this because you have MORE than just the relationship with your daughter falling apart under your roof and that's HUGE.....ENORMOUS. Not only are you not having a relationship with your daughter - you aren't having a relationship with your husband, and not only aren't you having a relationship with your husband - HE's having a relationship with HER! WOW!! - Now while most people are going to look at that sentence and say "Well Star, it IS his daughter - what's he supposed to do NOT talk to her, NOT support her, NOT blah blah blah?" My answer is -WELL - If she's treating her Mother like ****? Then NO - he should NOT be continuing to support her in the fashion that he is with lunches and cell phones, and things like that - UNLESS the conversations are to try and MEND the relationship - and I sincerely doubt it. Because if they were? Then he would be coming back to you Dotie and saying "I had a talk with Daughter X today about how she treats you and she said the reasons she does X and Y is because she feels you ABC...can we all get together for lunch and work on ABC? would you be open to that?" And he's not. THAT is what a therapist would HELP YOU with Dotie - So yeah - THIS is why I say - GET THEE TO A THERAPIST - because .....and here comes the part that is OH NOT SO PRETTY.......(and I've faced it so I'll share it)
THE THINGS THAT ARE WRONG WITH YOU.........THE THINGS THAT YOU ARE DOING WRONG as a MOTHER, WIFE, PERSON, FRIEND, DAUGHTER???? The things that you maybe don't EVEN KNOW you do that are annoying to the REST OF THE WORLD - or DO...DO and just choose to ignore by saying WELL that's who I am if you don't like it - (%)(%O(#() you...that's me! ----MAY WELL BE the reasons you aren't able to HAVE a relationship with your daughter, your husband, your friends, your co-workers...
BUT ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THAT COIN.........(and there IS ANOTHER SIDE) and this is the side that is THE WONDERFUL PART OF WHO YOU ARE......
When you DO go through therapy and open a lot of the doors in your past, and deal with some things that are painful, some things that we stuff, and put away because it was easier, and quicker to stuff them away and lock them up instead of DEALING with them, or maybe we didn't HAVE anyone to work them out with at the time- because we were too young, didn't understand, or didn't want to - once you deal with all that old stuff then you find out about WHO YOU REALLY ARE, WHat makes up your personality, HOW YOU TICK, HOW YOU REACT to OTHERS, HOW YOU EFFECTIVELY communicate TO others????? It's now that you begin to see that you are answering people with positivity, honesty about yourself - PAUSE......before answering instead of REACTING.....and when you DO answer, when you DO talk to the ones you care about - your answers are clear....not based on raw emotion - but well thought out from many perspectives - you took time to think......not react before giving an answer.
You stop asking yourself things like - WAS I A BAD MOTHER - because you absolutely KNOW ----YOU WERE NOT, and you answer that question with a statement - I did what I did at the time with the best tools and knowledge available to me, because HAD I KNOWN any better or had any tools better available to me at that time? I WOULD HAVE USED THEM - because I purposely did NOT make the WORST decisions I could for my child at that time - I made the best ones I knew how. I DID THE VERY BEST FOR YOU I KNEW. End of conversation. And you feel it in your heart, and bones. Without a shred of doubt. But not unless you get rid of all the baggage through therapy.
You don't know me - and my story is long, and some parts of it were very hard. My youngest, and only living son is now 21. To say he was a handful, and one of the most difficult children to raise would be an understatement. His biological father is a complete mess of a human being. He's a diagnosis sociopath/psychopath, with BiPolar (BP), and borderline tendencies. He's a lifetime drugaddict, alcoholic, womanizer, abusive to women, men, and animals. He has absolutely no conscience or guilt over anything that he's done, and is a career criminal. With over 25 suicide attempts in his profile, we believe he answers to a different master as he's still alive, and recently diagnosis with cancer. After a 15 year separation my son chose to seek him out to try to have a relationship, and a week after meeting up? My x took a baseball bat after my son and tried to kill him. Yet he tried for 2 more years to have a relationship with him. My son continued to believe he did something wrong. It's just now that he's wanting to seek therapy - he wants to know why - he ever wanted a relationship with someone that treated him so badly, but tells us it's for his anger. Either way - we're glad he's looking for help.
I continued therapy after leaving this man for 15 years. The things he did to me, to us were hideous. But it wasn't just him....but Ipassed it off as him. Truth was, I had a lot of issues in childhood that were unresolved I never even knew existed. I had great parents - I just had unresolved issues, and no ones parents are perfect. We all do things as parents that affect our kids - differently...Things happen at school, things happen in peer groups, things happen in sports...things we may or may NOT even remember that change our LIVES forever and form paths in our brains that cause us to behave certain ways....and just like your daughter ---there are things that you DID do right, and things that you may not have done right that formed her thinking, conscious and subconscious....there are things that happened to her in school - in play---in sports...things you have NO control over how it affected her thinking, logic, cognitive brain. SHE IS WHO SHE IS because of HOW she perceived things at certain times - and our brains are collecting data 24/7 with every sense we have and storing them like a digital camera ------and filing them away.
So for you to try and figure out WHY shes's picked this boy? Well (scratches head) there are some (shrugs) pre-determined abusive type relationships - I mean you could point out that she has low self esteem. YOu could say she feels she can change this man with love at first, you could say she feels sorry for him, you could say it's him and her against the world....If you want to know more? Get in touch with a local domestic violence shelter and I say that NOT because he's beating her - but because you feel there is abuse on different levels - there is verbal, mental, physical.....and he sounds controling to you - that could be mental. There is a cycle to domestic violence. Educate yourself to understand it.....before you just jump in with both feet and start accusing her or him. You see him as a waste of a human - beneath your daughters stature, not worthy. And if THAT's what you're coming at her with? You're not going to win ANY points with her on getting her to leave. But if you were to educate yourself, and know facts, and begin to present FACTS about abusive men in a factual way that maybe is statistical....and plant seeds? You may have a better shot. PRobably NOT - because it takes HER getting to counseling and being honest about HER life and finding out about HERSELF -before she would see why she's picking the men she is, before she's just going to up and believe her Mother - a Mother who isn't willing to even work on bettering herself.....
Oh and there's the stigma about seeing a shrink? Yeah well ------You know what......Nertz to them. I'd rather tell everyone I saw a therapist for 15 years and know what I kow and be so self assured and not pick loosers in my life and be able to literally see the handwriting on the wall -----and NOT engage in office gossip, drama, and go home to my quiet life and dogs ----than to complain about my life constantly have no one to support me, be miserable all the time, sad, crying, and have my children hate me, OH and road rage? Gone..that one is really good because now I drive 18 wheelers.., and not know how to detach at all.....and have no one want to come near me when I walked in a room - for fear I was going to start talking about my misery......that gets old. That vs. Did you know Star is seeing a shrink (snicker) seems to me - it was worth the 15 years....
It was definitely a great gift I gave myself and my family who now say I'm so much more have a choice....and if you can't afford it? ALL county mental health services are free or on a sliding scale -most UNited ways offer it, Catholic Charities, Lutheran CHarities, Baptist churches....(and you don't have to be attending).....and I even cleaned offices once for a guy that I couldn't afford for 30-45 minutes of his time...
And we're a great support group......straight up tell ya like it is ------but wonderful.
Hugs & Love