OD, in ICU


one day at a time
Coma, please let us know how he is and how you are when you can. We care, and we are all praying for you and for him.

Warm hugs and many prayers tonight.


Well-Known Member
Sending peace and prayers your way. I know that our difficult child's have to hit bottom and it's discussed here. The other part of that is that their bottom is our bottom as well. We keep hoping that this is as bad as it will ever get. I pray that for you and your son. Stay strong. Hugs.


Well-Known Member
'A turning point often involves a particular event, experience, or awareness that results in changes in the direction of a pathway or persistent trajectory over the long-term.'

I hope this is your son's turning point.

Find strength.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
comaheart, be prepared for the possibility that he won't even remember this. I thought that my daughter's heroin overdose would be the bottom but she doesn't remember anything about it. As far as she is concerned, she took a nap and then woke up.

In fact, she throws up to us on a regular basis that she wishes my husband hadn't found her in time.

So what a rational sober adult would think of as hitting the bottom may not be the way a difficult child looks at it.

I hope and pray with all of my heart that this is your difficult child's bottom and the start to a new life.



Well-Known Member
Staff member
I brought this over from another thread so y'all can see comaheart's update that she posted at 12:08 pm today:

Thank you all! They are turning sedation down today and we'll see if we can wake him up and get him off the vent. I'm trying to remain hopeful.


Active Member
Thank you Kathy. I'm a walking zombie scale of tired. Of course I would have posted my update on the wrong thread. *sigh*


Well-Known Member
I have been thinking of you and yours all day.... Keep us posted as to his progress and I hope somehow you can get some rest. I would say sleep but I know it is probably really hard to get any good sleep right now so at least try and rest.


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Well-Known Member
Staff member
comaheart, give us an update when you can. I know that we are all wondering and worrying about you and your difficult child.



Active Member
At 10am difficult child came off the ventilator! He's following commands (cough, squeeze my hand) Let's hope and pray he keeps breathing on his own.Things are looking up.