OK DDD.....Wedding Colors, Etc


Well-Known Member
Hmmmmmmmmmmm.....the problem is snagging the bride to be! We'll
definitely have a party. After all it is not every month that one of us walks down the aisle.

Do you think we should have it catered????? DDD


Well-Known Member
No, I don't think we should have family members entertain! on the other hand
Raoul might be available and he "kinda" is related to us all. DDD


Well-Known Member

I will be wearing a short, black dress. It will have a built in strapless bra for my DDs, because it will not have sleeves, and the plunging neck will just show a bit of cleavage. I will be wearing black hose with the line down the back and 4inch sassy pumps. My hair will be long and blond, I think with some spiral curls. I will be perfectly bronzed from laying at the pool all day. And the final touch, my lips will be quite full for the day and shiny from the gloss!

Melissa, congrats and good luck to you. If it were me I would be picking gerbera daisies for my flowers. They are so stunningly beautiful to me.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Oh yes, we definitely need entertainment at the bachelorette party. How about Raoul and the Chippendales? I was going to post a link to the Chippendale's website but it is a tad risqué. :blush:



Well-Known Member
Flowers.....I absolutely love, love, love Oriental Lillies. I think they would look awesome with the color dress that you're describing. I had them for my wedding. The stems were wrapped in a beautiful white ribbon.

I'm coming too! I'll be the one in the bright orange spandex cat suit! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA


(the future) MRS. GERE
Kathy, Raoul would not attend a party with the Chippendales :nonono:. He would see that as an insult :shocked: . Raoul is not cheap and he cannot be bought and he certainly would NEVER :smile: do something as cheesy as a striptease for the ladies. Harrumph :faint:!

Shame, shame :slap:.

I think DDD is in love with Raoul's father, right DDD? Maybe we could talk the two of them into coming to take care of us ladies :angel:as we celebrate Melissa's pending nuptials.



(the future) MRS. GERE
WOW Wendy, you will be so gorgeous that none of the ushers will look at the rest of us bridesmaids :sad: . I was hoping to get lucky :blush: and now no one will look at me in my red strapless dress :cry: .



Well-Known Member
I hate to admit it........alas........I have not heard from the
Senor is many months. Perhaps it is because I would not leave
my family and join him in the South of France for a brief year
long vacation??????? :wink: DDD


Active Member
:smile: Par tay........did someone say par tay?

I'll be wearing an ice pink dress without sleeves and some silver shoes. I love tiered dresses so this one is tiered and swooshes when I walk :smile:

I've ordered the limo for the bachelorette party.

Melissa I think your colors and the whole wedding is just so exciting.

What is Raoul's father's name?


Active Member
Yep...ask a silly question and Suz will give you a silly answer :rofl: :smile:

I was looking for Manuel, or Ricardo, or Pedro..... I'm pretty sure DDD wouldn't be calling him dad :rofl:


New Member

Hi Family:

I am so happy to see all the positive responses :bravo:
Thank You All :bow:
In the midst of all this happiness, I am going thru some stuff with my DAD right now and trying to find out what is in his best health interests....it's devestating to me and to poor mom is 81 and not in that good shape....This has taken a tremendous toll over the last 3 weeks.
ANYWAY,I am still planning my wedding. I am hoping next weekend that the florist will give me a miracle that I have been looking for. I am just so rushed at this point, I feel frantic....I should give up procrastination as a lifestyle :smile:
I am honored that so many of my friends here will be attending.
Hey DDD.....Care to be event coordinator? :flower:

Can't wait for Raoul to show up? Znyone have a line on him??? :rofl:

Melissa :angel:
