Old Friends........I need support please.


Well-Known Member
Fyi...the DOO DOO ain't that deep, lol. She was caught by "the system" for all those years ripping off difficult child#2's money when he lived with us. All they did was "take" the money back in small increments from her paychecks. We, on the other hand, never were interviewed and were never given the funds paid out. Sorry...I'm in a whiney mood. on the other hand, it's true. DDD


New Member
I"d do more than whine.....is there NO WAY to get that money. Even if you have to hire a lawyer who takes some isn't that better than none of it? Or is it a closed door???


Well-Known Member
Door closed, Buddy. on the other hand I am thankful that I don't have to worry about fighting her in 2013. Geez Louise...I am trying to live a reduced stress life. Yeah, right. :) DDD


Active Member
OMG, DDD! Hoping it's a computer error or something! I can only imagine your outrage if she did this. Breathe in; breathe out. You don't need more stress, my friend. Sending lots of hugs and support.
