New Member
Oh my gosh, how many parents go through this? How many parents think their child is ADD or ADHD, treat it, have NOTHING work, only to find out that they have been treating the wrong darn thing? I'm feeling frustrated but hopeful.
No wonder nothing for ADHD worked for difficult child. I spoke to the O/T on Friday and it is all clear. He said so often people mistake Sensory Integration Disorder (SID)/sensory processing disorder (SPD) (same thing) for ADHD because kids who have it do not know what to do when they are hyperstimulated, so they act out and can't focus, especially kids with the Proprioceptive dysfunction (inattentive/hyper/physical). It is all so clear now. I went to this website: and took the checklist... it is so abundantly clear that devin is hyposensitive in the vestibular area, dysfunctional in the propprioceptive area (in all three ways) and possibly orally dysfunctional.
Here's the problem I face. His school is open-classroom multiage. So, he can see/hear 74 other children and 4 other teachers while he's supposed to be learning. And they wonder why he's not successful. He tells me every day, "Mom, I'm trying so hard, it's just so hard to focus." I feel so bad.
What are my options? I don't know. Send him to another school in the district whose classrooms aren't open like this? How, when we don't have school of choice here. And, my house is for sale and I'm planning to move them to where we came from (by family and their dad) when it does sell (but it's a high end house and the market
), so I don't want him to transfer to another school here only to have to transfer to another one again. That's asking for difficulty right there. Oh, I just feel so lost. :frown:
No wonder nothing for ADHD worked for difficult child. I spoke to the O/T on Friday and it is all clear. He said so often people mistake Sensory Integration Disorder (SID)/sensory processing disorder (SPD) (same thing) for ADHD because kids who have it do not know what to do when they are hyperstimulated, so they act out and can't focus, especially kids with the Proprioceptive dysfunction (inattentive/hyper/physical). It is all so clear now. I went to this website: and took the checklist... it is so abundantly clear that devin is hyposensitive in the vestibular area, dysfunctional in the propprioceptive area (in all three ways) and possibly orally dysfunctional.
Here's the problem I face. His school is open-classroom multiage. So, he can see/hear 74 other children and 4 other teachers while he's supposed to be learning. And they wonder why he's not successful. He tells me every day, "Mom, I'm trying so hard, it's just so hard to focus." I feel so bad.
What are my options? I don't know. Send him to another school in the district whose classrooms aren't open like this? How, when we don't have school of choice here. And, my house is for sale and I'm planning to move them to where we came from (by family and their dad) when it does sell (but it's a high end house and the market