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Son developed bi-polar behavior this past September including periods of mania, "Mom, I don't know what it is but I have been up for 3 days and don't need sleep!" and depression. His therapist thought his behavior might be a side effect of his drug use. Plus he had been diagnosed with ADHD earlier in life and had been taking Vivan sp?- which is a stimulant. (We believe he is out of it at present.) After an on-line suicide post he was admitted to county hospital mental health unit for 5 nights. Because he was an adult, we could not be told if/or what he was diagnosed with. He left the facility with the understanding that he would consult with a psychiatrist and check into rehab - as well as armed with a prescription for Seraquel (sp?) which is given to bi-polar patients. I did call the social worker at the hospital (who had made it clear she could not discuss his record) and asked if she thought my husband and I would benefit from joining a bi-polar mental health support group and she resoundingly said yes, and gave me the name of a specific group. I kind of took that as an indication he could have been diagnosed but who knows??. He says he can't get in to see a psychiatrist until December (at least that is what he is telling us.) He HATES me and if I intervene he absolutely will have nothing to do with my help. I just read the study someone posted a year or so ago about prognosis for youths with behavioral issues. difficult child doesn't have a lot in his favor. He is lacking executive skills, is impulsive, etc. He dropped out of rehab and my husband and I believe he is following through with the psychiatrist because of the medication that could be involved.